A afternoon out with a Bday Boy!

I was very surprised that my buddy Shannon ask me to take pictures of him on his bday. I figured he'd be too busy. But we took the afternoon (which was cloudy) and made the best out of it, and took some photos. Shannon was a great sport, I was glad to have celebrated some of his day with him, and having the honor of snapping some shots. Here are some of his photos:

Well that's a wrap folks. I don't have anyone else lined up to take photos of at this moment, but if you missed my last Photo Spotlight blog feat. my buddy Jaquan, click here to check them out. I can't stress this enough... I NEED TO PHOTOGRAPH SOME FEMALES LOL... Is there someone out there PLEASE LMAO!!!!!!!
Happy Hump day!!!!!!!! ;)
........ p.s. I just wanted to thank you guys for all your comments on my Amateur Photo shoots. It's very much appreciated, and it means alot.
well Happy Birthday Shannon!!! ummm i see sexy and seductive, but i dont see joy? where is that smile? no pearly whites?
nice pics... i love the belt...
fuzzy: Thanks buddy... he was a bit shy, but he is cute ;)
I really enjoyed taking his pics. :)
you ALWAYS get your shots...very nice pix
thegayte-keeper: thanks buddy I appreciate that! We gotta get u some shots. ;)
Happy B-day Shannon. Nice pics cuz. I was about 2 say that you need to take some pics of some hawt a** females. lol The guys did great!!
Awww...Happy Bday to your friend.
I'm diggin that last photo a lot. I love the composition of it.
I want a amateur photoshoot!!!!
**rolls around on the ground and throws a tantrum like Billy does when Mom tells him she's gonna tell Dad**
those were great pics D!!!!! and since it was a cloudy day I think the most of your photos should've been done in sepia tone......with more focus on the ruffage in the woods...but overall great pics
Good pix. Nice model.
Denisha: U should b my 1st lol ;)...thanks cuz!
Mr. Jones: LMAO thanks man, just hit me up, and I'm will to do it! ;)
[jei.lamar]: Thanks buddy.... and yeah I feel ya but I'm not really in the sepia look lol... it work on some pics, not all. ;)
Acoustic Soul: Thanks Z.
Wow great pics Shannon and of course awesome job punk. the pictures look great. love seeing how far the photo spotlight is coming along since the old days. lmao ok maybe not that old. i need a redo. LoL
I also have some NUDE Photos of Shannon that You can ADD to the Collection. LOL*
I see he didnt allow you to take him too far away from his apartment complex.
I Love Him, though he's So Funny Acting and Skinny, Just Like Me.
We Throw Up Our Food for Fun.
I am VERY PROUD of You D. You have shown such growth, ARTISTICALLY.
When Xemmy Bear is Impressed, then You're Doin The Do.
Happy BDay sir,,,Great pics as usual Deont'e
damn...if the girls looked as good as these guys...I would go gay TOO
loving these pics man...
he is a cutie! and as always you did a great job.
happy belated.
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