
If I could have one superpower it would be having the ability to move stuff.
For an example. When I'm driving in traffic. I would love to be able to lift all the cars up in the air so I could ride through, then afterward drop them down once I get pass lmao...
OK I wouldn't hurt people...... I would let them down gently. LoL...... but I would love to walk around, and just move stuff with my mind, or the movement of my hands lol.
There is a girl on Heroes that has a power of learning physical manovers just by watching them being performed. and her cousin can control electronics and stuff. Both of those would be a great asset to me. Either one I would choose...
fuzzy: that sounds hot! And I like heros. I haven't been keeping up with it tho. ;)
Me? I'd like to have the powers of Samantha on Bewitched...just twiggle (is that a word?) my nose and make ish happen.
ESP...That would be so over for me!
I agree with Darius T. I would love to have her powers!! lol
BTW, You are getting all cut up!! lol Nice pic.
hey,,id want to fly.The power of flight is amazing.
I would want the power to heal...I think there are MANY things in this world that needs to be healed
It would be a toss up between being telekenetic and teleporting....hmmm thas a tough call to make...the ability to be in one place one sec and then in another the next...or be able to move things with your mind...i guess with being telekenetic ud be able to fly...so ummmm yeah imma have to go wit telekenteic
just one? because I'm a HUGE fan of "Charmed" and I would love to have Pipers power 2 blow up/freeze stuff & Pru's power of telekinesis......so it's very hard 4 me 2 pic just ONE
oh & btw...nice "super hero" pic
Oh this is easy. I've ALWAYS wanted to be invisible. Like...ever since I was a kid until now. I would love to just disappear and reappear like its nothing.
Yes, of course i have thought about this and I have decided that invisiblity would the the ultimate super power and if I could have the force field to go with it, that would be gravy.
I would want the power to read minds. I always wonder is what a person says really what they are thinking. If I could have two I'd want to be able to be invisible too. Guess I'm sort of a voyeuer.
I would love to be invisible so that I could be places that I am not supposed to be.....ya know what I mean.
hmm . . . .I think I'd have to say FLY! You know how expensive it is to fly on a aircraft.
When ever I wanted to, I could be up, up and away!
Morphing or Shapeshifting like mystique from X-men. U can be whatever or whomever you want at any given time.,,,Either that or Hiros powers from Heores...Timetravling/timebending.....i should stop now ,coz i could go on and on and on.....lol
Well i wach this show called True Blood and one of the stars can hear other ppls thoughts...i would love to have that power. lmao im so nosey
If I had to choose a power I would have to say the power to control the weather like Storm of the XMen..
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