Tune in to "The Styyle Chronicals" Next Monday, May 21st
7pm-10pm www.wpbradio.com for 'The P.U.D. Show' featuring Teronce Styyles, Nathan Charles, Andrew TheGift Simmons and Calvin Lineberger (A DTk Photography Model of The Year Cycle 2: The Freshmen Vs. The Sophomores Judge). We Will be discussing everything from Friendship to Fashion! You don't wanna miss it!!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Monday, May 7, 2012
Terrence Ford in Muzik Mill Magazine as May's Model of The Month
Video: Exposure Doesn’t Pay Bills!!!! (A MUST SEE)
ON POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everything I've ever wanted to say was said in this video!!!!
CHECK OUT THE BLOG HERE AS WELL: http://www.enzodalverme.com/blog/2012/03/exposure-doesnt-pay-bills/
Video: Ken Dahl - Machine
Check out my buddy Ken Dahl's latest video Machine feat. Isis King from ANTM and DeAndre Lemans! 
Also pick up "Machine" on itunes here:

Also pick up "Machine" on itunes here:
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Music: Brandy feat. Chris Brown - Put It Down
My Girl is BACK!!!!!!
Monday, April 16, 2012
dTk photography's Model of The Year Cycle 2: The Freshmen vs. The Sophomores: 1st Elimination
This pass Friday dTk photography kicked off the DTk Photography's Model of The Year, Cycle 2: The Freshmen Vs. The Sophomores, competition with it's 1st elimination. It started off with me posting the results hour photo <-------- on the fan page updating the photos from best photo, to the eliminated contestant photo. It was a very hard elimination, because all the guys did pretty good. The judges were all over the place with voting, but the end results were tallied up, and we lost (Freshman) Derrick to the competition.
Below are the rankings of the photos placed by the judges votes:
THE CHALLENGE: I decided to make you guys 1st shoot based on a school theme. Attached are some examples of looks that can inspire you (these photos are not attached to this post... it was included in the email sent out to the guys). You can make this fun! I know it seems so simple, but you can create a great shoot with this type of look. Think outside the box. Think of accessories. Things that can make your shoot stand out!
Challenge 1: 1st Place & BEST PHOTO: DeVonte
DeVonte, your photo was picked best photo because you took this challenge and nailed it! You created a theme within a theme and you delivered!!! We love the scene you created for your look. Thechallenge was to create a school themed look, and you took it to another level. If my sex education teacher looked like this, I would have been on time for class everyday! Great photo!! XOXOXOXO
DeVonte, your photo was picked best photo because you took this challenge and nailed it! You created a theme within a theme and you delivered!!! We love the scene you created for your look. Thechallenge was to create a school themed look, and you took it to another level. If my sex education teacher looked like this, I would have been on time for class everyday! Great photo!! XOXOXOXO
Challenge 1: 2nd PLACE PHOTO: Jason
Jason, the judges loved this photo. For a freshman in this competition you really showed up and nailed it. This is a great shot, and I loved the facial expression. Connection with the camera is perfect. We love to see what else you have to offer. Great job!!! ;)... you rocked it!!!!!
Jason, the judges loved this photo. For a freshman in this competition you really showed up and nailed it. This is a great shot, and I loved the facial expression. Connection with the camera is perfect. We love to see what else you have to offer. Great job!!! ;)... you rocked it!!!!!
Challenge 1: 3rd PLACE PHOTO: Sean
Sean, this photo adds a modern day twist to the challenge. Trendy and modern, but at the same time very stylish. Your photo could have ranked higher, but some of the judged felt your look was not believable. But what they don't know is, you have a off the wall wardrobe, and really dress in many crazy ways. So for me, you toned it down perfectly for this challenge, but still didn't lose the Sean people know. You gave us a great photo, and I loved it! :)
Sean, this photo adds a modern day twist to the challenge. Trendy and modern, but at the same time very stylish. Your photo could have ranked higher, but some of the judged felt your look was not believable. But what they don't know is, you have a off the wall wardrobe, and really dress in many crazy ways. So for me, you toned it down perfectly for this challenge, but still didn't lose the Sean people know. You gave us a great photo, and I loved it! :)
Challenge 1: 4th PLACE PHOTO: Taurean
Taurean, the judges loved your styling. They felt you nailed the challenge as well. They thought the photo was very nice! I thought it was one of the best photos of the bunch. I like how you didn't try to be extra serious. Looked like you were having fun... Great job!! ;)
Taurean, the judges loved your styling. They felt you nailed the challenge as well. They thought the photo was very nice! I thought it was one of the best photos of the bunch. I like how you didn't try to be extra serious. Looked like you were having fun... Great job!! ;)
Challenge 1: 5th PLACE PHOTO: Alfonce
Alfonce, the judges LOVED your styling!!! You get 10's across the board for this. Very intriguing, and loved your connection with the camera. Overall nice photo!!!! Some even said you look like a Professor in this shott!!! LOL.... the only issue the judges had with you was, when most of the guys asked how many outfits could they bring on set, and each of you guys where told one. You chose to bring two. So you had two great looks, but only one could be judged. It's important to always follow the rules Professor Reese. Because this time you got a A, but next time it could get you expelled!!! ;) Great Job!!!
Challenge 1: 6th PLACE PHOTO: TJ
TJ, The judges liked your look. Felt it was very stylish, and you pulled this off. Some expected more from you, but over all good job. They felt maybe this photo was LUCK!!! I personally felt you looked great. It gives me a historic type of look with a twist of today's fashion. I do want to see more from you in the competition. The only thing I would say is, don't question yourself so much. You got a great look. You can model. All you have to do is show up, and do just that, MODEL!!! ;)
Challenge 1: 7th PLACE PHOTO: James
James, the judges felt your photo was very basic. Something more on the lines of a family portrait type of photo. They liked your connection with the camera, but felt your choice of wardrobe was just OK. You have something. I just can't put my finger on it just yet. I would love to see more from you in the next challenge. Your smile (most of the judges feel) saved you this go round. ;)
James, the judges felt your photo was very basic. Something more on the lines of a family portrait type of photo. They liked your connection with the camera, but felt your choice of wardrobe was just OK. You have something. I just can't put my finger on it just yet. I would love to see more from you in the next challenge. Your smile (most of the judges feel) saved you this go round. ;)
Challenge 1: 8th PLACE PHOTO: Clifton
Clifton, the judges was not excited about this photo. But felt you did enough to stay in the competition. Wanted more from you in the wardrobe department... Me personally, I felt you did great with your posing from the look of your frames. I was very surprised!!! We would like to see you step it up a few notches in the next challenge!!! :)
Clifton, the judges was not excited about this photo. But felt you did enough to stay in the competition. Wanted more from you in the wardrobe department... Me personally, I felt you did great with your posing from the look of your frames. I was very surprised!!! We would like to see you step it up a few notches in the next challenge!!! :)
Challenge 1: 9th PLACE PHOTO: Omar
Omar, you photo is pretty good. The judges was all over the place when it came to voting on your photo. I personally hand picked you to be in this competition, based on some of the photos you had in your portfolio with other photographers. But when you came on set I didn't get that same model. I need to see more of him in the near future!!! The judges did save you!!!! Just want you to remember that... and remember our talk we had this evening!! ;) Congrats on making it to the next round!!!
Omar, you photo is pretty good. The judges was all over the place when it came to voting on your photo. I personally hand picked you to be in this competition, based on some of the photos you had in your portfolio with other photographers. But when you came on set I didn't get that same model. I need to see more of him in the near future!!! The judges did save you!!!! Just want you to remember that... and remember our talk we had this evening!! ;) Congrats on making it to the next round!!!
Challenge 1: 10th PLACE PHOTO: Derrick
Derrick, the judges loved your effort! Felt your choice of clothing was cool. They weren't exactly sure if your photo or look went with the challenge. But for me, I liked what you was giving us. Looked as though you were going for the gold in this competition. Love the fact your are different. I wanted to see you go further in this competition I truly did. This decision wasn't easy! After our conversation tonight I hope you will take this experience and apply it to your next DTk Photography shoot or any other shoot you do in the future. I'm proud of you, and will be seeing you again on set really soon!!! ;)
DTk Photography's current model of Year Kevin, also participated in the photo challenge assigned to the Top 10 guys in the competition, and this was his best shot!
(Kevin & I will be doing each challenge that the guys do!!! So this should be fun) :)
There are 9 guys left!!!!! But only one can be dTk photography's 2012 model of the year!!!!!
Monica did that!!!!!! Poor Brandy was all sad. We all still miss our Whitney!!!!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
dTk Model of The Year 2012 Update: The Judges......

Brian will be featuring many up and coming talent in his new Magazine based in Baltimore City. I thought it was important to have him on board, since the winner will be featured in a interview with him. He has a great eye for talent. Check out Openfly Magazine. I've also shot Brian for dTk photography.

Demond is the 1st model I shot when I did my dTk photography Debut. He has helped me grow as a photographer,and we've become a great duo when it comes to photographer/model. I know that Demond can deliver in & at any shoot I book him for. He's the "Muse" as he calls himself. LOL.... I trust his opinions when it come to my photo shoots with others as well.

Calvin Lineberger - Photographer/Graphic Designer/Fashion Image Consultant
Calvin is a great friend, but he also was the 1st person to shoot a professional photo of me. When I saw my photos, some I didn't like, but it wasn't because of his photography. I realized if I wanted to take this modeling thing seriously I had alot of work to do, and I also had to get in shape. His photo shoot with me inspired me to keep up with my looks. Getting in from of a lens will pull out everything lol... I wish I had one of those old photos to show you guys the difference between a photo he shot of me back in 2006 compared to the ones I shoot now!!! LOL I also shot Calvin as well.

Aaron Brown - DTk Photography's E-mail Receptionist & Assistant/Photographer
Aaron has shoot with me plenty of times, and was also a contestant in last years dTK Model of the year competition. Since his elimination he has worked very closely with me to take dTk to the next level. He's learned alot and has helped me put together Cycle 2. It's only fair to have him on my judging panel and team. He's also in the works of creating his own photography company called AROtography with photos to debut soon.

AND Then Finally Me!!!!
The creator and owner of DTK Photography who sometimes Model LOL......... I really don't need to say much other than, I'm the head judge. I ready to see what these guys got, and ready to crown a new winner!!! Let the games begin!!!
dTk Model of The Year 2012 Update: The Prizes......
*Cover the page of my website www.wix.com/deontek/dtkphotography as the reigning dTk photography Model 2012 Winner.
*A Full Spread photo shoot by dTk photography.
*Featured in my next blog banner photo with me.
*A interview With Openfly Magazine.
*Multiple promotional photo shoots in select local designers clothing, including different dTk photography adds, as well as other promotional photos for and with other photographers.
*Photo shoot with the talented David E. Thomas
*A guess appearance on the Morning Wood Show
*The ultimate prize is to spend as much time with me as the winner to get all of your creative ideas as a model brought to life and build your portfolio!
*Plus MORE!!!!!!!!!
*A Full Spread photo shoot by dTk photography.
*Featured in my next blog banner photo with me.
*A interview With Openfly Magazine.
*Multiple promotional photo shoots in select local designers clothing, including different dTk photography adds, as well as other promotional photos for and with other photographers.
*Photo shoot with the talented David E. Thomas
*A guess appearance on the Morning Wood Show
*The ultimate prize is to spend as much time with me as the winner to get all of your creative ideas as a model brought to life and build your portfolio!
*Plus MORE!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
The Morning Wood Show: Male Underwear Models
The Morning Wood Show seeks Male Underwear Models for an upcoming show. Model Call on Wed, April 11th from 6-8pm at MOVA Lounge, 2204 14th St NW (U St Metro). Send contact info & pic to morningwoodshow202@gmail.com.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Music: Hardcore (feat. Sol Edler) by Richie Skye
Check out RichieSkye's (a.k.a Terence Wiles, co-host of The Morning Wood Show) new single "Hardcore" featuring album artwork by Deonte Keller for DTk Photography!!!!
This is the 1st time I've ever seen my photography on Itunes. Thanks Terence for the opportunity!!!! Hugs..... ♥ the song!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Info About Kevin's (dTk photography's Model of The Year) Magazine Cover...
Last year when I 1st decided to come up with ideas for my dTk photography competition, it was for the fun of it (which they still are). But through out this process I've learned alot about people. The one thing that bothers me to no end is when people try to get involved in my stuff, and make promises to my models that don't come through. When people work with me, I like to make them feel safe & I feel the need to protect them from things like this. And it becomes very discouraging to see them upset, when things that were promoted, and promised to them not fall through. It's embarrassing and so not cool. Yes I understand things happen, and people make changes, but there is always a professional way to go about things. This is no love lost to anyone, but I must speak my mind and the truth (just wouldn't be me if I don't). Before my last dTk photography Model of The Year Winner (2011) Kevin won his title, the winner was promised a cover of a online magazine. I was kind of apprehensive of this, until they started Tweeting, and Facebooking all my events, and things of that nature. Putting out all this hype, and so on about my competition. I am truly thankful for it, don't get me wrong, but this pass week, me and Kevin was told he had a deadline to produce a cover shot, and a few photos, and we worked around our crazy busy schedules (after we've been told month after month about different due dates). This particular time we JUST knew it was going to go down, until yesterday when I was informed (at the last minute) it wasn't going to happen due to issues with the magazine. Now this blog entry is in no way form or shape to disrespect the magazine, only because the person who runs it (I found this out way after the competition ended) is actually a cool buddy of mines who I have nothing but love for as person. But I feel the need to explain this because when I had to break the news to my Model (who's been promoting this along with the magazine) he was extremely disappointed. And I feel extremely bad about it! I've decided that for now on I will just do what I've been doing with, and for my models. The next go around I will definitely make sure things go down the way they are supposed to, and go about things a little differently. I'm sorry my Model got their feelings pinched a bit today, but I promise to make it up to him. Plus the other prizes he gained for his win has been extremely COOL, and we've been having fun with shoot after shoot putting his portfolio together. Also this has inspired me to maybe one day create my own magazine featuring Models & things that are important to me. I would like to put out to the world that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and color, and I want to be the man to capture it! I feel some people spend so much time on celebrities, and forget that there are still regular average beautiful people out here who deserves recognition for the positive things they do on a day to day basic. The one thing I was say is this, The dTk photography nation is still building..... get ready because here we come!!!!!!
Much success to the magazine, and I hope things workout for them in the near future.
I will still be releasing Kevin's photos still!!!!

I will still be releasing Kevin's photos still!!!!

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