Sorry, But I Can't Help You
This year has been a really interesting year for me thus far. I've been through some things but @ the same time have overcome my hardships (and still trying). I have a friend I haven't spoken to in years, who has found some way to get in contact with me (not by my choice.... I mean I would like for someone to at least ask me my permission before giving out my #, but anyway that's another story). We speak, and not two minutes into the conversation, we are already back where I left off with her. THE SAME PROBLEMS from when we were younger. Now I'm not knocking her for the problems she's having, I mean we all have them, and repeat some of the same mistakes here or there, and I'm not one to judge, but what I don't appreciate is the constant phone calls all through the day, and night. I've had my own battles through out the year, and I don't want or need to hear about yours ALL DAMN DAY!!!!! OK maybe the 1st conversation, but not everyday all day! I'm soooo tired of her already, and it's only been 2 days, and 2 conversations. See she pushing my buttons. She don't know I have changed drastically since I was 24 or 25. Things have happened to me in my life that has made that change. So what I need for her to do is find some kind of help, leave me the hell alone before I give her another thing to add to her list of problems. Some people can wear you out, and I definitely don't plan on being on the clearance rack this season for anyone! So with that being said Sorry, but I can't help you! Call Jesus or something because I don't know what else to tell ya.
Not the call Jesus though...LMAO!!!
LOL!! not much more I can say to that
Oh Yes! Call on Jesus and leave you alone!
Tehee! I Feel Dat!
I hope she is reading this and knows who it is refering to because sometimes people this extreme need a little tough love and everyone can relate to that.
LOL @ Call Jesus! I feel you on this post. I agree with Darryl - tough love is a necessity when dealing with people like this.
such people should carry there own cross.
How are you Bro?
somehow blogger still refuses to notify me on your updates-i have alot to catch up on so ill go back and read.
damn.....I was just about to call you. But ok, Ill call Jesus.
Do you have his number???????
That is so on point. People will wear you smooth OUT! I love your line: " I definitely don't plan on being on the clearance rack this season for anyone!" I'ma use that one. LOL
boy you are a mess but i know exactly where you are coming from. people will pile their problems on you as long as you let them. sometimes you just have to say enough. hope you made that clear to her.
Hey Deonte--Well, I don't know the extent to her difficulties, but maybe she feels like you are someone she can open up to...and sometimes people only feel that way about select individuals. Now, since you haven't talked to her in a while, I don't know why she's calling you as much as she seems to be doing, but does she know how you feel? Just wondering...hope things are a bit calmer now!!
Deonte, Bro what can I say. First thank you for all your prayers and support, I have been going through some trying times and I really appreciate your kind words. I’ m glad that you have overcome many hardships. I was reading about how your friend had contacted you after many years of no contact. I have learned through experience that when God allows someone to walk out of your life, to let them go. I no longer get upset when people walk out of my life, I just thank God. I had to realize that I can’t really hang out with a lot of the people from my high school, I have just changed & and so have you. You are not who you once were and you never will be that way again. Please don’t allow yourself to become the dumping ground for people, I understand that she trust you, but she must show some respect and restraint. Salud a Usted Ryan
Thanks everyone for your comments!!! :)
Jon: Yes, I understand that. But @ the same time I'm struggling with my own stuff, and I do speak to her when I can. But I work, and have a tight schedule, so I need her to respect that. I can't talk to u all day... I have a man to tend to, and other things. So her calling in the middle of my dinner and so on (after I spent 3 hours already talking to you) is not acceptable. I listened. But there is not much more I can do... so I just ignore her now. And that's how you really know she got a problem, because she still calls leave messages, and wears my phone out even if I don't return the call.. all day everyday!!! Plus I never asked her to come back in my life, which I'm happy to have talked to her, but my # was given to her. So in my defense... I never even wanted to be this type of friend to her, although I don't mind, but at the same time respect my space!... thanks for ur comment buddy!!! ;)
Rodrigo: I love your comment... thanks alot. :)
yeah punk. don't let people steal your joy with their problems. misery loves company and people will try to bring you down with them all the time. but i'm sure you know how to handle these things these days. lol
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