I'm currently reading E. Lynn Harris book title "Basketball Jones." So far it's a really interesting book. I just wanted to ask my readers a question based on the storyline of this book. There is this guy who is dating this professional athlete on the down low. And it's been that way for a long time now. They met in college, and so on. Been together for years. Then all of a sudden the athlete is so called forced to marry a woman to keep his image in tack. The guy stays with the athlete because he loves him, and understands an all that good stuff (I guess). So me, and a buddy was talking about this book at work the other day, and I asked him the same question I wanna ask you guys. Could you do this? Date a man who's married to a woman, who's also an athlete, who gives you any, and everything you want at the expense of you being a secret & doing whatever it is he says. My buddy said he could. I said I COULDN'T!
It's one thing to meet a DL guy, date him, and respect his career/image, and so on. (To be real I wouldn't even put myself in that type of situation. That's just my preference. So if you like it then hey do you.) But to watch him marry some chick, and continue to sleep with him on the side is not going to work for me. At some point where do your morals kick in? So again I ask. Could you do this?...................... Be Some one's "Sideline Ho?"..... and straight people can answer this question too. Could you date a man in this same type of scenario. Would you be his secret lover, because of who he was, and the things he could give you? The same situation apply if it was a woman who was the athlete. (trying not to leave anyone out lmao when it comes to asking this question) ;)
Oh hell naw I couldn't stay in a "relationship" like that. I do know many people that wouldn't have a problem doing it though and to that I say more power to ya!
You hit the nail on the head with "sideline ho" lol. When I was single I wouldn't have done something like that. Some people will settle for a piece of a man than not have a man at all.
I have to say that I would not want to be in that situation either BUT... we have to consider in the book, these fellas were together BEFORE the woman came along. While that woulda been a bitch-slap in the face, they were already in love and had history. Love makes you do some crazy things. Sometimes unhealthy and irrational things! Ya just don't know what you might accept (at least initially).
But again, knowingly, I would not be the side line ho. HELL NO.
I would not be able to handle a situation like that. If he was just in the closet, then that would be cool, but married to some chick. Hell to the naw!!
That would be a (Whitney Houston) hell to the no...I mean dont get me wrong, I know love is supposed to be unconditional and all, but come on what about my feelings. And as far as his image is concerned I say do you but you wont be doing it laying with me...lol
Well, D...I was kinda in the same situation and I think I even called you and we talked about it. The guy wasn't necessarily an athlete and married to a woman but I was the sideline ho for a minute. It became to hectic and comlicated trying to love someone that wasn't trying settle with me.
i def couldn't do that...when im wit a dude im 100% with him and want himn to b 100% wit me..not 50% or any other type of fraction or percentage...and if it's gotta be a secret, is it worth it?
This is a tough one. I think pretty much everyone answered with their own emotions, but what about the career of the athelete?
You know gays have a hard time when it comes to professional sports. If he needed to have a diversion, and I KNEW that his heart was with me, I think I could do it.
worst lie ever
"being false in your own eyes"
it would be selfish to do that.
Oh hell naw I couldn't stay in a "relationship" like that. I do know many people that wouldn't have a problem doing it though and to that I say more power to ya!
You hit the nail on the head with "sideline ho" lol. When I was single I wouldn't have done something like that. Some people will settle for a piece of a man than not have a man at all.
I have to say that I would not want to be in that situation either BUT... we have to consider in the book, these fellas were together BEFORE the woman came along. While that woulda been a bitch-slap in the face, they were already in love and had history. Love makes you do some crazy things. Sometimes unhealthy and irrational things! Ya just don't know what you might accept (at least initially).
But again, knowingly, I would not be the side line ho. HELL NO.
nah not @ all because the money and material things what I would really want is him and him ALONE...
I'm currently reading B-Ball Jones too.
I would not be able to handle a situation like that. If he was just in the closet, then that would be cool, but married to some chick. Hell to the naw!!
That would be a (Whitney Houston) hell to the no...I mean dont get me wrong, I know love is supposed to be unconditional and all, but come on what about my feelings. And as far as his image is concerned I say do you but you wont be doing it laying with me...lol
Well, D...I was kinda in the same situation and I think I even called you and we talked about it. The guy wasn't necessarily an athlete and married to a woman but I was the sideline ho for a minute. It became to hectic and comlicated trying to love someone that wasn't trying settle with me.
Naw I couldn't be the side chick.
I couldn't fathom not being his one and only.
i def couldn't do that...when im wit a dude im 100% with him and want himn to b 100% wit me..not 50% or any other type of fraction or percentage...and if it's gotta be a secret, is it worth it?
I'd need to know more information. I'm certain that my answer isnt no tho.
Thanks 4 the comments guys..... so it's safe to say... we all agree that being a sideline ho is a hell to the NO!!! LMAO!!! ;)
This is a tough one. I think pretty much everyone answered with their own emotions, but what about the career of the athelete?
You know gays have a hard time when it comes to professional sports. If he needed to have a diversion, and I KNEW that his heart was with me, I think I could do it.
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