Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Zodiac Signs..... Do YOU Believe In Them?

I was at work one day, and everyone was talking about their Zodiac signs, what they mean, and how compatible they were to another. I always hear people say, "oh I will never date another such & such ever again, because they are all blah blah or blah." And I'm like wow do people really judge you by your sign? Like do everyone just walk around, and ask what sign are you? Especially if your interested in them, and they answer saying a sign of someone you might have had a bad experience with, and do you decided right then, oh no we're not going to work. I just personally don't get into all that. I know I'm a Pisces, and what it means, but I don't base my personality, and who I am solely on that. So what are your opinions about Zodiac Signs? Would you not date someone based on their sign? Do you believe your truly what your signs describes you as?


Jeff0418 said...

Actually no I wouldn't let someone's zodiac sign prevent me from dating them..the funny thing is I do have a lot of the characteristics described in zodiac sign "Aries" by the way...lol. I even have a tattoo that says it...lol.

Anonymous said...

It's funny that you'd mention this becuz I used to hear this alot when I was in the pre-stages of dating. See, I'm a Gemini and alot of people buy into the misconception that all Geminis are the same. WRONG! Sure we some similiarities but we are all not the same. I used to get alot of slack from people (i.e. "I would never date a Gemini" or the famous one "Ya'll are CRAZY"). I don't let the silliness of horoscopes dictate who I am as a person. People tend to miss out on great people when they buy into the whole hoopla.

LudaKhris said...

Hate to say it but I'm a perfect description of my sign and the sign after mines (since my bday is on the cusp). I wouldn't date someone or not based of their sign but I do think people exhibit traits of their signs.

Crazy is a strong word thow..I would say Gemini's are emotional :-)

The Antonym said...

I am everything that my Zodiac says I am...strangely yet interestingly. LOL I don't get all weirded out about it when it comes to myself or others. You never know how you will "blend" with another sign, in my view. Some peeps take that crap way too far.

Denisha said...

I guess I'm a fruit cake when it comes to astrology, because I will never date another Aries woman in my entire life lol. They all act the same lol My zodiac sign is The Archer and I tend to attract Gemini's more than any other sign. I think they are the best!! Other than that I really don't judge people by their signs.

Mr. Jones said...

I don't really get into zodiac stuff. Like, my horoscope is usual on point, but I feel like they writ them so they can include as many peeps as possible.

[jei.lamar] said...

I believe in the Zodiac stuff because I know that i'm an Aries on every aspect, but I wouldn't let my having a bad experience with a sign hinder me from finding love. I think it's wrong to prejudge someone and trying predict that a friendship or relationship won't work because of that persons' sign is a form of prejudgment, but I do like to know someone's sign so I can at least know what I'm dealing with.

ShawnQt said...

I do find some truths in them, but I don't base them to finding mates any or pre judge a person's character.

Even though I do tend to stay way from taurus, LOL.

Jon said...

I believe in the Zodiac signs because I know I'm the definition of a Leo (Which is the best sign BTW). I think it's wrong to prejudge someone based on their zodiac sign because they can be nothing like what their sign describes them as. However I would have a hard time dating another Leo, since we are so bossy.

Unknown said...

I wouldn't date someone base on their zodiac sign that's not sensible...I think my sign describes me to a point though...

The Voice of DemondMaurice said...

Let me start by saying that I am a LEO *everyone applauds and pulls out their camera*. I will say that 99% of the things you read about the Leo defines me. I don't really know how astrology works, but when I read the things concerning my characteristics they are so on point. Knowing and accepting all that comes with a Leo can help people better understand their roles in my life....LOL

The only other zodiac that I would rather not date again is the Aquarius. Rocks have more emotions that they do. Scorpios like to try and control Leo's while Aries let us run a muck. The Leo Leo affair is fun and exciting. It's the hottest combination, but can burn out fast from the exhaustion of the power struggle.

speaking hypothetically said...

I'm not anal about zodiac reading althou i believe some traits people have are true to the zodiac signs....but i would'nt date based on zodiac charts.

Acoustic Soul said...

I'm a Gemini. I have to say most findings about the Gemini describes me almost uncomfortably. LOL

I don't dig all deep when it comes to dating and what not, becuse I don't know much about anything other than Gemini's. It's never interested me enough I guess.

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deonte' k said...

Jeff0418: LOL I feel you!

Romey: True True!

LudaKhris: LMAO.. Ur a mess!

The Antonym: They Do!!!! ;)

Denisha: LMAO... too funny!!!

Mr. Jones: Gotcha! ;)

[jei.lamar]: I feel u on some some of what you said lol.

ShawnQt: See what I'm saying!!! ;) LOL

Jon: Oh lord LOL.

thegayte-keeper: What sign are you? LOL ;)

The Voice of DemondMaurice: Well I'm a Pisces, and I guess I understand my role in your life, but don't forget yours in mines LMAO!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA..... snaps a pic of your face now lol. :)

speaking hypothetically: I agree with u sir.

Acoustic Soul: Gotcha!

CutieTJ said...

I take them at face value. Sometimes they are VERY helpful...but a big fat ass NO as to if I meet someone and are signs aren't compatible---crap!

deonte' k said...

CutieTJ: LOL...

BPS 4.0 : Soul Exposure said...

I am a Leo so I know how Leos are and we make great friends but not great lovers. Other than that, I can date any one else of any other sign with no problem.

deonte' k said...

BPS 3.0 : Dallas: well I'm with a leo myself... so far so good lmao!! ;)

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