A Day With My Special Cousin
YAY!!!!! I finally got my 1st photo shoot for 2009. The last one I had was in November. So it's been a minute. Anyway this Photo Spotlight blog features my Lil' cuz. She is like a sister to me. When We did this shoot it was totally unexpected. We were @ my moms bday gathering. So later on that day we went outside (in the cold) and snapped a few shots. Check out her photos. Hope to get more people to shoot soon! ;)
I love you cuz... thanks for the fun day. :)
I love you cuz... thanks for the fun day. :)

& that's a wrap folks. Check out my last photo shoot with my boy Shannon, if you missed it here.
Can't wait until my next shoot... Some people coming soon.... the famous Xem VanAdam LOL.... if you haven't checked out his new website visit www.xemvanadams.com or click here to see it. Its hot!!!!! Also we have my very 1st
Photo Spotlight model Darrick returning for the new year lol.... as well as my buddy Allan. Check out Allan's blog creolespointofview.blogspot.com here.
I just realized that all 3 of their bdays are in February!!!!! LOL
O And I have to add.... THIS IS MY 1st female shot So I'm happy it was with my beautiful cuz!!! ;)
finally the shoot I have been waiting for has finally come along. Denisha you did it. Your looking absolutely GORGEOUS in these shots. WE LOVE YOU!!!! "gimmie gimmie MORE gimmie, gimmie gimmie MORE"!!!! Good JOB D. she looks hot in every shot just like i knew she would. You like how gay i turned in this comment? lmao I can be such a homo sometimes. I watch that damn best dance crew tonight and got Britney on the brain.
yall even got his and hers jackets on. awe thats so cute. lol
Lmao...Aww thanks Slimm...You know that I loved your photo shoot!! I was wondering what took you so long, because you got that swagger!! It was fun doing it. You got everything down to a tee (his & hers jackets) It's funny because I didn't notice it until you brought it to my attention. Thanks again babe 4 the love ;)
Thanks cuzo...you did great!! I love u! ;) Can't wait until my next one!!
slimm215: Yes u turn so gay right before our eyes lmao.... thanks punk lol.
Denisha: Me either cuz, and ur welcome. HUGS!!!
And I notice our Jackets the day of the shoot. I loved the all black lol. ;)
lmao y'all is too funny. HUGS!!! ;) I love black.
Denisha's pics are hot! I'm loving the pics, boy you got the whole "smiling with your eyes" thing down lol. I actually love how in the first pic you give us a lil "porn lip" (mouth slightly open) lol.
Denisha: :)
Allan: LMAO!!!!!!!! ALLAN your a trip... I try to smile with my eyes as much as I can. I haven't been watching ANTM all these years for nothing LOL. ;).. but thanks buddy!!! LOL
Thanks Allan!! ;)I truly appreciate your comment.
Denisha: Go ahead girl, take over the blog today, its about u lmao!!!!! ;)... sike naw It's nice to see you thanking folks cuz.. shows ur true beauty inside and out! ;)
Lmfao You is crazy ;) Thanks cuz. You are the greatest cuz EVER!! ;)
Denisha: O I know that cuz!!!!! LMAO!!!! ;)
You're welcome Denisha!
she looks just like you...yall can't hide @ all...
OMG if i hear the word CUZ again i'm gonna throw up. y'all two cut it OUT. lol and that finger to the mouth shot is EVERYTHING!!!!
Lmfao @ Slimm I know right?? We can't help it lol Thanks for the compliment babe :).
@thegayte-keeper Thanks, people always told us that we look like brother and sister. lol
HOT! Luv the hair!
@Cash S Thanks babe ;)
can we say JET beauty of the week? YES WE CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thegayte-keeper: Right LOL... ;)
Cash S.:)
(VOMITS)you would do that on purpose punk.
ooooooooooooooooooooo so Denisha is your cuz....damn, she follows my blog and I was always wondering who the hell she was. hahaha, I thought dammy was up to some crazy ish....hahaha....that was so so funny.
ok first Im going to hate on her cos shes pretty, and I was suppose to be your first girl shoot....thennnnnnnnnn not only that I didnt get announce that I was coming up to be shot...lol
ok ok let me shoot at the end of feb...how about the last friday?
hmmm.... ok Ill be your first Big girl shooting.....lol
slimm215: Suck A toe!!!! LOL
Oyin: LMAO!!!! Ok sure we can that last week... we will talk about it. It has to be on the weekend tho... I would love to shoot u... sorry for not mentioning u lmao!! ;)
After reading that comment about the eyes I scrolled back up to check out that first pic and hollered!! LOL You are doin it, my dude... and YES INDEED, your cuz Denisha is a beautiful being. NICE shoot you two!
@Slimm Thanks sweetie. Now that's topping the cake lol
@ Oyin Thanks babe. You're pretty yourself & I love following your blog. I can't wait to see your shoot.
@Antonym Thanks hun. We had fun doing it in the freezing cold lol
@ Deonte K' Heyyyyyy Cuzzzz!! lmao...just messing with Slimm. (tongue out) lmao
Loving the shoot. I'm diggin the hair in the wind, the innocent look and all the fierce posese she's giving. Go head Denisha!
@ Acoustic Soul Thanks babe. I really appreciate it ;)
The Antonym: *Falls out laughing* LOL... u r tooo funny boy!!!! ;) THANKS!!!!
Denisha: That boy Slimm is a mess.... don't pay him no mind lol.. his shoot is sat. so you can pick on him next week lol.
Acoustic Soul: that's my girl Z lol. ;)
Very Cute I c the looks run all up and through your family. Your wind in the hair was hawt....2 thumbs up!!!
@ [jei.lamar] Thanks babe. I would love to do a photo shoot with u. Sounds like FUN!! ;)
@ Jeff0418 Thanks hun ;) I did my hair myself. That wind was extremely cold lol
These are some great shots of your cousin. I don't know what took you so long to get her in front of the camera. My favorite photo of the many hot photos is the one with the red door/wall in the background.
I will volunteer my services to direct the next shoot. Have my people call your people.....LOL
@The Voice of DemondMaurice Thanks babe. I guess I can be camera shy when somebody else take my photos lmao...but my cuz made that experience wonderful for me. I love how he had u posing with your scarf. That was my fav pic. Hopefully my cuz will get all of his models/friends together in one shoot. Hope to meet u soon ;)
[jei.lamar]: Hey Get ur own models LOL!!!!! ;)
Jeff0418: LOL, thanks buddy! ;)
The Voice of DemondMaurice: Sure thing LOL. ;)
Denisha: I think this is the most commented blog to date over here @ Deonte` K's Spot LOL ;)
gorgeous shots, gorgeous family too.
Grinder: aww thanks alot!!!! ;)
Lmao...Let's do it again!! ;)
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