This has been the subject of alot conversations I've been having with people for a few weeks now. And most of their answers have been yes. If a man gets a sex change (getting his penis cut off or whatever) he is definitely a woman, because that's how he feels inside. Just for the record, I by no means think anything negative when it comes to this. I mean I love all kinds of people so I'm not writing about this to degrade or to seem prejudice about anything. I just want to see how others feel about this, and maybe I can get a better understanding on why some people think that a male cutting off his penis makes him a real female afterward.
In my opinion, I feel when a man gets a sex change, and wanna become a woman that's fine if that's how he feel, and what he wants to do, but I also feel deep down inside no matter what you do to strip yourself from being a male, deep down inside you're still one. Meaning if you're born a male, your a male. That's just my opinion.
That's why I decided to do this post to see how everyone else feels about it, or to get their opinion on it. Most people so far disagreed with me on this. So what do u guys think?
If a male cuts off his penis, does that make him a female because that's what he wants, or is he still a male deep inside, because that what he was born as, and just because he cuts it off, and wants to be a woman or feel like one, does that actually makes him one?
I agree with you. Unless you undergo some sort of gene therapy and change your chromosomes, you are still a man/woman if you have a sex change. Take the pregnant “man” for instance. Men don’t have babies. Legally she may be able to call herself a man, but obviously deep down in her ovaries she is still a woman.
It’s certainly no disrespect or shade towards them. I have much respect for all of the LGBT community, but I do agree that deep down they are still the sex they were born.
Cash S.: yes the pregnate "man" is a great example..... deep down inside she is still a woman. Even though she wants to be a man, she is still a woman, because yes she can have babies. Men can not!
This is def an intersting post...hmm...i think that a person is defined by how they truly feel about themselves...there are those pre-op transexuals that live their lives completly as a female..and refer/think of themselves as female...and then there's the complete opposite with females dressing, acting and living as men. It's def somethin that picks ur brain...but u do have a point..u r wut ur born wit
jerzey_reality: True true.... thanks for ur comment.
Well I always seen as sexuality and gender as a big huge mixture of stuff that is created by chance during conception.
It's like rolling a dice. 1 is male. 6 is female. Yet MOST of the time, we get some 2, some 5, some 3... so for a human to feel like a female yet born with male parts, it just happens.
Who are we to say what is truly a "male or female, especially when we homosexuals fit right around 3 and 4. And don't think some hetrosexuals arn't part of this equation.
In my opinon I would have to say he is still a man for a couple of reasons other than that is the way "he" was born. Simply removing your penis does not give you the inner workings of a woman fallopian tubes,uterus and the things that gives a (born) woman her feminity, not to metion the whole men under normal circumstances cannot bare children. No matter how your body may look or you mental stae is the reality of it is you are born male and that is what you are.I have no issue with transexuals as well, they are humans and I respect them as such.I do live by that old saying live and let live, but honestly the reality will always prevail over anything....
ShawnQt: Well I'm not talking about what we fight for or want to be called. I know I'm gay. Yes I like men, but at the end of the day I know I'm a man. I never feel like a woman either. I mean, I know I got a penis (and love it), and glad I don't have a vagina. And I'm not saying who has the right to to say what is truly a "male or female, all I'm saying is no matter what or who we decide to sleep with, lay down with, and whatever #'s we fit right around (as u said) I think we are all still born the sex we are. I can put on a dress, cut of my penis, drill 10 holes in my a**, and grow out some breast, but at the end of the day I'm still A MALE!!!!!!!!!!! born a male.... and that's just what I believe... Some people can WANT to be called a female, male or whatever, and thats fine, but nothing can change what ur born as. In that case, if I wanted to be a woman one day, why can't I get pregnant and have a babe? Because the last time I checked, only females could do that!
Like I said b4 I'm in not prejudice against this, I just don't get why some people think that just because you decide ur a female that deep down inside that's just what u are. Even if your born Male. U can feel like a woman all day, an believe that's what you are, and that's fine, but when you came out ur mother, u are what u were born! and always will be!
Jeff0418: I truly believe in what you said in ur comment as well!
Touchy Subject but Yeah When Its All Said And Done They Are Dudes.
speaking hypothetically: I know buddy, I was kinda hesitant on posting this a week ago. lmao ;)
I personally think their still men either way...
Honestly I dont know. I think deep down he/she knows he is a man regardless if the penis has been cut off. At that point though, they are leading a life as a woman and that is what they want to be known as. Ultimately, they arent truly women but are making everyone think they are.
I think you are still male no matter what you do to your appearance
Based on the conversations I have witnessed, these individuals feel that they are in the wrong body. So if a man gets his penis cuts off it seems like it completes them and is the final step into becoming who they felt they were from day one. Yes, science will still say they are men, but science can't tell someone how they truly feel inside.
LudaKhris: Me too!!!
Jamar Herrod: True true, and I understand that.
thegayte-keeper: Agreed.
The Voice of DemondMaurice: That's why we are not talking about the feeling, but the actually fact, u feel me? I still feel, u can think ur in the wrong body, but the truth is ur a man. Whether they feel that way or not.
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