Things like this is so fu*king senseless man. I don't mean to curse, but what is this world becoming. You got a great singer/actress at the peak of her career, then something like this happens to her mother & brother. I tell you life is definitely too short, and most people don't value it anymore. It was a time where we as black people worked together to fight for rights, and stuck together to raise family's, and things of that nature just to survive this crazy cruel world. Now we are just out here killing each other for money, and other stupid things. If our ancestors could see what we are doing to each other today they would be so ashamed to know this is what they died for. And I know this is not the primary subject here, but I just sick of brothers & sister killing one another for no reason. GOD gave us life, and who are you to decided when someone leaves this earth or not? I could go on & one, but I pray for Jennifer & her family. May god bless them & guide them threw out this difficult time. People we have to put a end to violence. Where does it get you. NO WERE!!!! The devil is really trying to take over, but GOD will always prevail.
I'm a lost for words, because the day I seen this young lady on American Idol I knew she was destine to be the entertainer she is today. I love her so much, and she is an inspiration to a lot of young people. I hope she continues to bless this world with her many talents, and keep her faith in Jesus Christ. For he is the victory to all glory. I don't get or understand why bad things happen to good good people, but only God knows, and one day we can hopefully understand!
Jennifer Hudson, your fans, friends, and family are all here for you. Bless You and angain I'm so sorry for you lost!
Yes this hit me so hrad I was speechless as I first heard about it over the radio and then seeing it on the news made it more of a reality to me. Living here in Chicago and growing up in that same area made it even worse. My prayers go out to Jennifer and her family in their time of grief. Much Love....
I always watch CNN but I was half sleep and I thought they said it was her who was murdered....I fell back to sleep crying....It's very sad that that happened to her family and what's even more sad is that the guy in question was someone that they knew and let stayed with them, but the question I'm sure everyone is asking is where is her nephew??
Deonte, i think you made a great point: God gave us this life to be happy, to love him, one another, and ourselves. I think taking the life of another human being is never justified because everyone's life from that homeless man on the street to the CEO of microsoft has EQUAL value. I will keep Jennifer Hudson and her family in my prayers. it's ashame when something like this happens, especially to some one with as good a heart as she has. Sorry for the long rant but stuff like this just upsets me like crazy.
What a tragedy. I really like your blog and will continue to follow it. Feel free to read mine:
Dustin Ashley Beam
Yup - pretty sad...her mother shouldn't have been living in Englewood though. I'm not rich or famous - and you will never catch me living in Englewood. It was only a matter of time before something like this happend.
It's so sad and ridiculous. The world is an ugly place right now.
Oh yea, I did a photo shoot - check it out on my blog.
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