Me Before I left for the party... Rushing to get there. Already LATE!

A Hot Mess LMAO

Looks Like A Ghost

Looks Like I done been through somethings LOL


Darrick LOL

Hmmm.. Look like a crack head in a hat.

Even worst here.

Darrick & Renee

Me & Darrick.... I look drunk. (In the above photo)

Me & Rafeal. I look like someone f-ed me up for real LoL

Me & Chris (the bday boy)

Me & Darrick

A whole bunch of us! LoL

Chris & Rafeal

Terrance, Me (ugh) LoL, and Rafeal
Ok So after the party was over I decided to go home an take me some more of my own pictures LOL. Y'all know I'm a photo freak LOL

I look like a Zombie.

Tired LOL

I'm scared LMAO

Who's That! Ha ha ha ha.

OK, I'm over it!!!! Ha

OK just a few more LOL... I look horrible, but hey I was posing hahahaha. I look like I belong in a crazy house. LoL

Just evil LoL...
I have a Halloween party to attend on Saturday so, maybe I can actually go get a costume this time. LoL
Mondays don't you just love them!!!!! Ugh!!!! ;)
Hey I stop by here because your profile was something cute.........
but I cant help but ask...are you....ummm....you know?
Kin'shar: I appreciate u stopping by and all, but don't come over here asking me halfway ?'s please. I'm not ashamed of who I am, so if your asking what I think ur ummm...you know trying to ask. Then don't do it on my blog, as a matter of fact this is not up for discussion.
ummmmm this blog was about the halloween party and the pictures he took. This is not personal question time Kin,shar. I think you CAN help by not asking that RUDE question. Now back to you punk. some of those pictures need to come down ASAP. lol
slimm215: See that's the best friend I know u to be right there punk lol.
Which ones punk? Urs LMAO ;)
lol I love the pics cuz. I think u look like a super hero who just killed off the antagonist. Great look!!...Kin,Shar lol I'm speechless...Some people need to grow the f**k up!!
I am so sorry, didnt mean to cause some type of publicity chat....I just think that you are cute, and I wouldnt....neva mind.
You are so so cute.....LOL! Dont get so angry with me ok sweets
....and deejuana83,I am grown up, a question doesnt make me not grown. I was tryna get atcha boi
deejuana83: LMAO u crazy cuz lol... Yeah I tried to do something thanks lol.
Kin'shar: Thanks! and im not angry. Apology accepted. Next time just someone a email on something LOL.
ok "D", I will remember that.... (smiling)
I LOVE the pix...
thegayte-keeper: Thanks buddy. ;)
GET IT!!!!
i love the pictures boo! and i can't believe Kin'shar is trying to get at my boo!!! he's taken girl!
you do good make up if you would not have said you did all that for halloween i would hav thought you were in a real fight!.....over me! lol
Deonte and Kin'shar I loved the way ya'll handled that like grown ups. Too cute. Kin'shar we know he fly, so its hard not to wonder... don't worry, he's cool ppls and ain't holding no grudges. Well put Deonte, I love the sweetness behind your words. You didn't get all crazed and shit. LOL. Not that I was expecting you too... anyhow...
That "Who's that" pic is SO FUNNY! Perfect caption! I busted out laughing!!!!
Allan: LMAO, I try babe boy LOL
Sexxy Luv: babe girl u know ur the only woman in my life lol... and I would fight for u anyday lol.
Gotta Let it Out: You are the funniest u know that LOL... I'm a nice guy, what can I say he he ;)
ok now im jealous....lol
Kin'shar: Aww its ok babe girl lol.
coo pics Casper better watch out..lol. Looks like the party was fun....
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