Can you name 4 musical artist that appeared in the movie "Poetic Justice" other than Janet Jackson?
If so, email me your answers to Email must include your full name, age and full address. Make sure you put "Janet Jackson contest" in the emails subject. The winner will be selected randomly from all the emails with the correct answers.
You have to leave a comment here on why you love Janet sooo much

The Winner!!!!!!!!!!
The winner will be revealed here "" on Monday Feburary 25th, and will be sent their prize the following day. Hopefully I will have my web cam in the mail (from a great friend of minds who's been trying to send it to me since Christmas

I know most of you REAL Janet fans out there will already have the cd and DVD when it 1st drops right?

If no one participates I guess I will have to keep the prize for myself lol..... have a safe weekend!!!
"Feedback" Video
Hey guys thanks 4 all the emails I've been receiving on this Janet contest :)... but please don't forget to leave a message HERE on why you love Janet so much ok. It's part of the rules too. :) Thanks for all your participation so far. It is much appreciated. ;)
Man, you can't go wrong with a Janet Jackson CD. I own EVERY CD & Single she ever released. My phone background is Janet Jackson. My desktop computer is Janet Jackson, My laptop is Janet Jackson, My work desktop is Janet Jackson, my Work laptop is Janet Jackson. There is a HUGE Janet Jackson poster in my home office. I have a framed autographed picture of her in my bedroom. I've been to every single one of her concerts. Talk about a stage show! Everyone could take a lesson from her. Even people sho say they don't like CAN'T HELP BUT LISTEN TO HER
Well to me loving Janet is like, well, part of being normal, I have the ORIGINAL "Control" record (yes youngins i said record it kinda looks like a cd but bigger & black)& every album after that so to you don't like her makes YOU un-normal...bcz Janet was in the game waaaay before the Beyonce's & the Mary J's so to start off in the game in 1982 where your biggest competition were male & white female artist and to still have hit singles and albums in 2008 the bitch MUST be doing something right
um....well i like janet and all but i wouldn't say i'm her biggest fan or anything like that. I'll probably get the cd when it drops or just go to your house and steal the prize copy you tryin to give away. lol aren't we movin up in the world when we doing prize givaways on our blogs now. lol good luck punk.
I love Janet because she has a timeless beauty and has earned and maintained her status as a Grammy award winng artist and performer.
i love janet because well she is a talented performer, singer, actress, and dancer Janet is what the new chicks coming out want to achieve she is a trendsetter she has a beautiful spirit and lets not talk about her beautiful smile. Im a huge fan i have the calendars, posters, t-shirts, programs, keychains u name i got and lets not talk about the 3 cds i always buy when she brings on out.
I am so like Janet's #1 fan dude. I followed her through out her entire career. After the Super Bowl incident, people asked me "How do you feel about Janet Jackson now"? I answered , "get the f out of here with that. Loyalty is what we have"...hehe I'm talking as if I know her. ;-) Janet is my number 1 and will always be the Queen Of Pop! I love You Janet!!!!!!!!!!!!
I see that this is just a minor portion of what to come for this page. Holla Back
i luv janet cause she so sexii so different and she's a trendsetter she's paved the way for like of Beyonce, tlc, and other black pop/r&b artist i luv her so
I have loved Janet Jackson since I was six years old, when I first heard the song "Nasty." Since then I have followed her career, and each album has touched on issues that I have had to deal with in life. I feel like Janet indirectly knew what I was dealing with in life, and at least one song from each album touched on those points. I am known as Day-Day on Yahoo360, and I would love to be selected as the winner!!!
When you think about Janet Jackson, you think of a woman that has accomplished many goals throughout her career and still remains sweet and humble. Janet is a HUGE icon and I love that she has a certain undescribable demeanor about herself. My favorite Janet albums to date are CONTROL & DAMITA JO (despite what the critics and album sales entailed). And you gotta have love for a woman that still makes me smile to this day as little Penny from "Good Times". LOL
I just wanna thank everyone here so far for following the direction's as posted! It may just be you few guys that will be up for the prize coming up in about 14 days. I'm still receiving emails with answers but no post here lol so I can't used those people in this contest only because it's not what the rules stated... so again thank u, and I hope you all enjoy the next contest I will be giving as well. I look forward to seeing you all over here again. Peace.
oh also, DAMN Y'all some Janet Fans lmao... after reading all theses comments, I wish everyone could win something lol, but I can't afford all that LMAO...there can only be one winner.... WHO Will it BE..... Find out MONDAY FEB 25th!!!!!!! I HOPE IT'S U!!!! ;)
I love Janet sooo much because she has resilience, DISCIPLINE, and dedication to her art. All of those traits back her talent and also enhance her overall genuine, likable quality that makes her stand out above the rest. She is a pioneer and an icon!
I decided to post under my other Gmail You will know from my email. Again:
I love Janet sooo much because she has resilience, DISCIPLINE, and dedication to her art. All of those traits back her talent and also enhance her overall genuine, likable quality that makes her stand out above the rest. She is a pioneer and an icon!
Yes.... I Love Janet and what you're doing is awesome.
I love Janet soooo much, because of her years raising the bar, and proving that she's a Jackson that stands on her own. She is not her brother. She's Janet. She proved that she had a brain with Rhythm Nation 1814, and The Velvet Rope. Both were courageous, when most people wanted her to simply make another pop album. She continues to do what she wants, and to make herself happy!
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