Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Random dTk Photography Shoot With Aaron

.....and these were some of his best shots!!!! 

Model: Aaron
Photographer: Deonte` Keller
Location: Suitland, MD

"my photography is not just for models, or up & coming models, it's for any & everyone. I've been told "he's/she's not a real model" but I feel anyone can take a nice photo with the right person behind the lens. But I also feel like this, anyone can just sit in front of a camera, and have their photo taken, but it takes commitment behind the effort, and that's what creates a great shot!!!!"  -Deonte`-

1 comment:

Shar said...

wow.... where do you find these men at?? IM GONNA START HANGING WITH YOU. SMOOCHES

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