Deonte` Who Designed Your Shirt?.....
..... this has been the most asked question of me this pass week about the shirt I'm wearing in this photo. I had it designed personally for me, for my dTk photography all star shoot a month ago by a talented guy named Davon Kane. The company is Durrt Inc. and he does some wonderful pieces. I'm definitely a fan, and have already purchased more outfits from the up and coming designers collection. Check him out & tell him Deonte` sent you!
When I see this photo, It makes me think about Jennifer Hudson's version of "Feeling Good." Because that's exactly how I'm feeling these days. I'm in love, I have a great family, wonderful friends, building my photography company, and I'm enjoying life right now @ 30 years old. I've come a long way in my life to get where I am. It can only get better.
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