Faith Evans Keep The Faith: A Memoir A+

I have to say I truly truly truly enjoyed reading this book. Faith really put alot of things that I could remember back in my teenage years surrounding her life in perspective with her story. I think it was very a courageous think to do. It was really touching, and inspiring. This book is one I truly think everyone should read. I loved the book so much that I had my book club members vote on reading it for our September meeting, that I will be hosting. Faith really did a great job with this. Go out and read this guys, if you haven't already.
Rodney Lofton: The Day I Stopped Being Pretty A+

This book was really good as well. I could identify with some of this author experiences. Especially dealing with his relationship with his dad. Although my issues were totally different, some of the ways he felt were just the same. I truly commend him for telling his story. It really can open alot of peoples eyes about the way life can really teach you somethings with the choices we make. I encourage alot of young gay males to read this book. A great book to get into. Having him at our last book club meeting made reading this reading experience even more great. Got alot of question may we may have had about the book out. Rodney was a really nice and cool guy.

Me & Rodney Lofton
I haven't had a chance to read Faith's book yet...but I read Lofton's book sometime last year and it really was a great read. I'll be honest, I had some preconceived notions about reading it but once I got into it I was amazed he took me through every emotion...he wrote from his heart with no lies and he has my utmost respect for that!
The Day I Stopped Being Pretty....This books, though quite raw and in your face, did nothing for me. The protagonist does not grow at all, it ends with another failed suicide attempt and you're taken on this rollercoaster of a journey, and he leaves you with "I have to love myself before anyone can love me?" (Yes, I'm paraphrasing). I thought it was rather shallow and typical of a Black gay novel. I prefer E.L. Harris over this one, especially if you're looking for depth, growth, and meaning. Realizing this is a memoir, I have to keep that in perspective, but it was a bunch a failed sexual encounters and relationships that to some degree we can identify with. The promiscuity and unprotected sex despite knowing his status dumbfounded me.
The second half of the book my entire mindset was, "You gotta be kidding me?!? Are people really this careless with their lives?" Maybe this is why some people love the book because it's real. Although that may be true, it's not growthful. At times it feels more like porn mixed with bad self esteem meets drugs and trashy guys. While I appreciate the honesty, I really missed the overall point. *done venting*
I must get Faith Evans Book
Do you always read books topless like in the banner? :)
[jei.lamar]: Yes he did buddy! ;)
speaking hypothetically: Hey buddy.. to each it's own you feel me. I just feel we as humans live our own lives very different based on situations in & surrounding our lives. Somethings that may seem one way to you may not seem that way to others. Some things affect us differently in ours lives... like not having a father, mother, or whatever it may be that we needed as a child. Speaking to Rodney and actually hearing him talk about some of the things in his book made somethings a lot more understandable. I think what's great about the book is he just simply told the truth, and for him to tell his story, I commend him for that. It can teach someone else who may be going through what he did to maybe take a better path or make a much wiser decision in some similar situations. Plus when it's your life, it's really no other way to put it but the way it went. How many times can we say we did everything perfect. The fact his story was most of the things you may have mention made it great to me, because it was REAL. Not made up like an E.L. Harris story (who books I also love by the way) ;).. But there are no comparisons when it comes to real life stories vs a fictional book..... Plus I can identify with some of the feelings, and reasons he may have felt during his time trying to figure out who he was... but thanks for you comment buddy. Your entitled to your opinion, and I appreciate that. ;)..........
And yes go get that Faith Book, buddy. ;)
Dusty Boot: Sometimes lol ;)
speaking hypothetically: You know ur my buddy! ;)
Deonte'k...I became friends with Rodney through a mutual friend. Rodney came to LA for a book signing 2yrs ago and and to a party at my house. My bookclub then read his book and spoke with him on the phone. I know exactly what you mean about having the ability to speak with him. I think it's the same with any author. You're able to find out their motivation for what they wrote and delve into their experience deeper.
I also think that memoirs and autobiographies are the best books to read because they are based on real experiences to teach us that we all are different and possibly assist in cognitive decision making in our own lives.
So I agree young people should read his book to see what is possible and make their own decisions about how they'd like to live their lives.
I haven't had a chance to read either book as of yet but, now that they are on my radar I surely will. Thanks Deonte'
I'm going to have to check out this Faith book. I guess I'm out of the "book" loop cuz I didn't know she had a book out.
D-Place: Thanks D ;)
Acoustic Soul: U did, because u commented on the blog from last summer when I told u it came out lmao!!! ;)
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