I think this movie was just OK! Nothing I would recommend folks to see. It will keep you on the edge. The plot seemed to be good, and it's very mysterious. But it lacked something for me, and I definitely expected more. It was filmed here in DC. My girl Rachel McAdams was in this film. I liked her. It also stared Russell Crowe & Ben Affleck.
Obsessed B

I really had very high hopes for this film I have to admit. Y'all know Beyonce` is my girl, and I love her to death. With that being said I have to say her acting in this film was pretty good. It was nice to see her in a different role. But the movie was just OK for me. I wanted MORE! More from the fight scene. Just MORE MORE MORE!!!! LOL... I felt it was just plain at times (the movie). I have to agree with some of my friends on this one. It was more like a Lifetime Movie type of film. I did enjoy it to an extent though. I loved watching my girl on the big screen, I did. I just expected alot more! Idris Elba & Ali Larter were great actors in this film as well. Everyone did their part, but I just felt it lacked something that I was looking for. Overall a pretty good film for what it was worth (seeing B in any shape or form is just good enough for me lol.) Go check it out. We got kids to feed. Me & B so get the moving lol. ;)
I enjoyed it but I agree it was very lifetime
speaking hypothetically: LMAO @ very lifetime lol.
I've never heard of state of play BUT the reason u were probably expecting more from Obsessed is because you've seen that story line once before "Fatal Attraction".....but yes Bey's acting skills have gotten better
[jei.lamar]: Yeah that too, but I wanted B to go off more in the fight scene lol... I wanted her to wild out!! lol... but she did whip that ass but I WANTED MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL... I laugh so hard at the part when she said "O Jesus" when Ali fell from the ceiling lol.
For me the movie was pretty good (Obsessed)I did enjoy the fight scene a whole lot especially when Beyonce asked her if she had gotten her message...that just made me holla!!LOL And I will never look at Ali Larter the same she was truly a real nut job...lol
Jeff0418: LOL, that's what make Ali a GREAT actress! If she got u to feel that way lol.
I'm sorry DK, but this film did NOTHING for me. The fight scene was weak, Bey's acting was late. The best part about the movie was the acting and chemistry between Idris & Ali (Derick & Lisa). That chick was nuts!
Acoustic Soul: Why are u apologizing to me? LMAO!!!! LOL ;)
BTW 'Obsessed' came in the #1 Spot over the weekend @ the box office.
Lifetime schmaftime......I liked it.....lol And Beyonce is lucky i luv her coz the way she was getting cozy with my other boifriend(Idris) could have gotten her CUT in da face,....lol
ugh my dude forced ne to sit thru State Of Play this Eve i dont recommend this flick either i actually fell asleep thru the middle but the the begining & end was lame....B- is generous D.
I'm apologizing because I'm disagreeing with you. LOL
I am suppose to go see the movie this week with a friend, but if you say it is just "ok." I may op for the Soloist instead.
I saw both and I agree with you. They weren't drop your jaw awesome, but I thought they were good. State of Play was indeed filled with lots of excitement and unexpected twists, especially at the end; and Obesessed had parts that made me think, "That bi*ch is crazy" lol. I wonder if there are really people in real life who are that obsessed? Anyhow, if you're not a big fan of the players in those films, I'd say wait for the video.
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