I posted this as a status message on my Facebook page recently. But I feel I need to elaborate on this a lil' more. I feel some people are sooo selfish that they will do anything @ any cost to satisfy a need of theirs at the expense of everyone around them including their friends. Well I personally feel a friend has done this to me. At the same time not just me, but everyone else around them. When will people wake the hell up, and realize what's really important in life, and when will they start respecting one another. I'm very keen on values & morals. Some people just don't have them, and that kills me. Some say maybe it wasn't taught to people as a kid. But I feel like as you get older you become more aware of things, and some stuff just come to you naturally. Sometimes you get tired of being the guy who people runs to for forgiveness after the wrong is done. I'm always forgiving people for stuff. Yes things happen, and yes your supposed to forgive & forget. But your also not supposed to be a fool to anyone either. So with that I'm done with you. No names needed. You know who you are.
very well stated.... So long to toxic friends.
LOL, Right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I'm faced with that....my mama always told me 2 read Psalms 59......but just remember wut I told u...I got some thugs ova there in SE DC ready 4 me 2 give them the word
[jei.lamar]: I know buddy lol... thanks... I may need to read that chapter tonight lol. ;)
Sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands. You know who and what is good for you. Keep the good and pluck out the bad. It's sad this had to happen, but you have to protect yourself from all hurt harm and danger.
I know what you mean Deonte' but you can chalk it up too a life lesson. And now that you see that person for who they are you definitely know how to handle them...and from your blog I can tell you have made a very wise decision.
Thanks 4 the comments guys!
Now you know I'm still on standby with my sneakers by the door. All I gotta hear is the beep beep from that Charger, and I'm on my way!
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