I just finished reading E. Lynn Harris book "Basketball Jones" on Sunday, and I have to say I absolutely loved it. Everyday to & from work on the train I was glued to this book like it was a movie I was watching in a theater. Without giving away all the details. The book is basically about 2 college gay lovers. One become a professional athlete, and tries to juggle his life as a pro basketball player & boyfriend. The boyfriend understands, and don't mind being a secret. But when it came time for the athlete to protect his image, he marry' s a woman, and from there the story gets juicer and interesting. It's about love, friendships, & loyalty. What some folks will do for money, and what some folks wont. Its a must read. This is the 1st time I featured a book review on my page so as I continue to read books with my book club, I will update u guys on the good, and bad books I come aross. Check this book out. ;)
I was looking at this book the other day at B&N although I didnt buy it :(
But I think i may have to go back and get it. Have you also read Terrance Dean's : Hiding in Hip Hop?
Now THATS a book that is full of some juicy details about the REALITY of entertainment industry.Go get it if you don't have it ^_^
I need a good book to read! Thanks for posting your book review!
I have been looking for this book all over and cant find it...now I want it even more....
I just finished reading it as well and I definitely agree with you. It was hot!
Considering the FACT that EVERYONE prominent in the community is going to be asking IF Ive read E.Lynn's latest work, I NEED to FINALLY Pick this one up. I received the Promo for it while I was still in LA.
So, It IS Worth my purchase, Huh?
I read this book last week and I loved it. I've read ALL of E. Lynn Harris' books. When I returned the book back to the library, the librarian asked me if I'd read his other book, "Just Too Good To True." When I told her "NO" (because I didn't know that their was a book before Basketball Jones), she pointed me into the direction of the book and told me to pick it up. It's a MUST read. I should be finished tonight..LOL
I loved this book so much that I read it in a day lol. It had all the twist and turns that E. Lnn Harris is known for.
I'm not even going to read the comments because I am still reading my copy. The wife is a stone trip. All I will say right now.
thanx for the positive feedback on it..haven't had a chance to pick it up yet...Eric Jerome Dickey had trapped me wit his new book...damn trilogy lol....but E. Lynn has always been one of my favorite authors..ill def be gettin that one soon
Yes Xem it's worth it buddy!!!! ;)
and ur welcome guys!!!!! ;)
Most people in the book club meeting didn't like it... I still loved it!
sooo . . .I've started a book club among me and a few of my friends, and we've selected this to be our first read. how fun. I'll come back and give you updates!
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