O She was Going To Give Me My Correct Change!
Today I decided to go to class early in the AM rather than this evening just to get it out the way. Because I now live a hour away I have to travel all the way up to Baltimore from Landover MD, to finish my last few weeks of class. And I was just not feeling it tonight. So in order to get to my school, I have to cross the Key Bridge which requires you to pay a toll fee of $2 dollars. So I pull out a $20 dollar bill, give it to the girl, and she passes me my change back. As I pull off, I notice she only gave me $8 back. In my mind I'm like awwh hell no. But I couldn't back up because I was already through the lane. So I pulled over way to the side of the toll right off the bridge, threw on my hazards, and hopped out my car, and walked my short a** right on back to her booth to get my $10. Cars coming and all. I said excuse me I gave you a 20. And she said, you sure? I don't wanna get in trouble. I was like look girl. I'm standing out here in the middle of the highway for $10. Why would I lie lol. Stop playing, and give me my damn change. So she did. After I dodged all the traffic to get back to my car, I sat there, and laugh because I was so serious out there on that highway about my change. Shoot we are in a recession. I need all my money!
OMG LTMQ that is soooooooo funny though. I can just imagine your lil short ass walkin back to that. I wish i could have seen the look on HER face when your ass came walkin up to her booth. priceless. you better get that money boy. glad you didn't get hit buy any cars
slimm215: I'm glad as well lol... and u know me punk lol... she got scared for a min.... they don't expect anyone to just walk up on their booth lmao.
speaking hypothetically: HEY!!!!!!! LOL ;)
lol I hear that. I would had jumped out & got my money too.
It's always yall lil ones with all the damn attitude LOL. Shoot I would have done the same thing though lol that $10 is gas money now a days lol
ROFLMAO!!!! Now that was funny..but you know im not mad atcha...hell your taller than me too...;)
I had to laugh at you D. I can just picture it in my head. You are a mess!
You know how my mind thinks, so needless to say I added some stuff.
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