Long Distance Lovers
The other day I was speaking to a friend through messenger, and they were so excited about their new relationship with someone. We were talking back and forth, and from the sound of things he seemed very happy. So I was like, I'm extremely glad for you. Then he told me he never met the person before................... (car crashes appears in my head lol). But I continued on to say wow, OK, well if your happy then hey do you. Then after our conversation I started to think about somethings. So it inspired me to write this blog. Now this is no shade to people who has done this or have no problems doing it. But I just wanna know how do someone fall in love with someone they have never met. How do you know for sure that they are the one, and so on. Like seriously I wanna know. Because I personally can't see myself falling in love with someone across the country. I need someone within arms reach lol. Now maybe I could try to be with someone in a long distant relationship if it was with someone I met & fell in love with, then they had to move due to work, school or something of that matter. Even then it would still would be hard, but at least I do know them shoot..... As far as you know you could be dating the next Michale Myers or some shit! LOL.
Long Distance - Brandy
Well my partner and I are in a long distance relationship (I'm in chicago and he's in DC) and we make it work by communicating daily, seeing each other every month, and just by being there for each other. (Yes, we've met lol), in fact we are getting hitched in June, then he's moving here. So trust me, love is love, no matter where you are or where the one you love is.
Tim: aww that's great for u guys. But what I was speaking on was a lil dif from your situation. You actually met your lover as you said in ur comment. Yall have a bond and do things to make ur thing work. Which sounds great me. So I wasent talking about where love is found, because I do believe it can be found anywhere as well. But what I was talking about were people who NEVER met. But they live that relationship as if they have. My thing is I couldn't do that. At least you and your lover meet up and do things. But I will never understand folks that say they fell in love with someone they never met that lives across seas somewhere. Can you say u honestly know them? Like people would like to think they know me through this blog, but truthfully no one really does. I only let people know what I want them to know u feel me? So I feel the same way about long distance relationships of people who have not met. Those people r only giving u a preception of who they are. But u never really know a person until u meet them and spend time with them as u and yours did. ;)...... thanks 4 ur comment and have a great day.
I don't think you can fall in love with someone you've never met before you're only falling in love with what you think you know. What your friend has is a pen pal. True love is seeing that person and loving them unconditionally flaws and all.
@ Tim I'm getting Married in June as well (13 June) what's your date?
Jon: Awww u getting married too.. :)
I agree... a pen pal lmao... haven't heard that one in a min. :)
I guess it is based on the notion that LOVE has no conditions but I beg to differ in this situation because there is NO real foundation in place here...I mean what kinda person is he? Can you really tell from a pc and a phone convo? I THINK NOT!!!
Personally, I couldn't do it. I need some physical contact before I fall in love. I need substance and to assured of things. i think love is at the beginning all about falling for what you think you know about a person. Real love is unconditionally loving what you actually do know about a person. I'm not sure if that's possible if you've never met that person.
Well I will have to admit it has happen to me b4, and to be honest it happened just as naturally as if we lived in the same city. It's crazy I know. But I won't say it can or wont happen aain but I will definitely do things differently...
My, my ... all this Jumping The Broom fever! Congrats to you both!
I can say that I was in this situation when I met my first boyfriend. Which is exactly why he was number one and a long time ago. Within the first few days I declared my love and we had only talked on the comp and phone once or twice! Yeah, I was VERY naive! LOL
Furthermore, one my co-workers is in a similar position. While she and her man have met numerous times, she's already talking about cohabitation and love. And it's only been a few months and they met online! But who am I to judge since nearly all my bfs were from the World Wide Web!
Hey D, to each his own! You're doing the best thing since your friend will have to find out on his own if this will work or not.
Well I've done it, & honestly I think it helps you get to know the person more because all you have is conversation to go on, so that's a plus in knowing that you're not in love because of the sex (sometimes it clouds your better judgement) and through that conversation comes open communication and trust and after conversing for a while you'll realize that he's not the next Michael Myers. I've stayed clear of those though now because with them you have to pick and choose your battles, the most minute thing can cause a whirlwind of trouble. So yea, it's not so bad because I'm still very good friends with my long distance ex....bestfriends actually
Thanks 4 you comments guys!!! I think some may have got what I was saying a little twisted lol.. but it's cool. I don't have a problem with someone having a long distance relationship.... all I was talking about was a long distance relationship where people have not MET lol.. In my opinion that's crazy to me. Yeah it's nothing wrong with getting to know someone, and know it's not all about sex and so on, but the fact you never ever ever have met that person still pose for an issue to me. We all have met folks online and that's not the point of this blog entry.... the point of it is how can you be with someone, and so called fall in love with someone without having the chance to meet!!! LOL... but hey to each it's own...
You CAN'T fall in love with someone that you've never met. You can be deeply infatuated with them because of the thoughts that you've built in your head about what type of person they are. But the only way you can love someone is by spending physical time with them.
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