The other day me & my baby was out shopping for things for our new place. And we came across some glasses.... no excuse me
wine glasses lol. And I said to myself hmmm I can put my juice up in one of these glasses. And he was like oh no. This is a blank glass, and this is a that glass, and he said there will be no juice up in these lol. And I said well its just a glass. So your telling me I can't put some kool Aid (
which I haven't had in years... hmmm I should go to the store and get some now lol) up in this glass because its a certain kind of glass lol. And we just laugh about it, because I honestly didn't know there were different types of glasses for certain drinks or wines. Then we go over to
Target where they had every glass titled with what drinks go inside them. (
Click here to see) I was like wow... I guess I will just have to sneak a glass of juice in one anyway, and take a pic for y'all lol. Just don't tell my babe lmao. Because I thought a glass was just a glass shoot. LoL ;)
Don't you dare put some juice in a wine glass lol!
Yeah man, I got some martini glasses last year for Christmas. I want some champagne flutes this year.
Cash S.: LMAO... champagne flutes??? lol.... never heard of that LOL. ;)
I am laughing so got damn hard! Knowing my brother, I know for a fact you will be sippin some Kool-Aid in a wine glass or a champagne flute in the bathroom behind the shower curtain cuz he will cuss you out! I am laughin so damn hard right now!
There are all types of glasses. Beer mugs, wine glasses, Tumblers, Brandy sifters, long stem, short stem, NO stem. Yea boy. Your glass has to appropriate for the drink that fills it.
**I'm sorry Deonte Kanye, I cannot stop laughing at you. I can just see the expression on his face. "No you won't be drinking kool-aid out of this here glass" That's how he said it, huh?
yea to me a glass is just a glass. But a jarrrrrrr....lol
I'm with ur baby...a glass is not just a glass.
I concur too. Drinking juice in a wine glass is almost as bad as drinking wine from a paper cup. LOL
lol...im with you D a glass is a glass i drink apple juice and orange juice outta wi glasses sometimes.
Oh I have so much to teach the little grasshopper.
BB: You know I had to let him know not to embarrass me the holiday functions. I can hear the kids now "demond's man is over there drinking red wine out of a white wine glass" and you know I would have to knock somebody in the head. We would never been invited back.......lol
lol I'm glad he told you right....bcz I absolutely HATE when I invite my friends over for drinks & they go in the cabinet & grab my damn flutes 2 drink LIQUOR out of...grrrr that boils my grits!...lol, & u need 2 be spanked for trying 2 put kool-aid or JUICE in ANY kinda wine glass......
You betta be looking at stemware!!!! I love it.
I'm surprised by how few people know the difference between certain glasses and such.
lmao! too cute.
once you start drinking wine you'll learn what goes in what, and you'll appreciate the glass because it makes the flavor even better. :)
Drink whatever you want out of the glass. Just don't let your babe see you do it and rinse it out after..lol
And don't drink Kool-aide try some crystal light in a brandy sniffer..lol
That was a good one D....Hey it's good to know the different type of glasses so when u're out and about u know what to use but when u're at home ,&*^%%@# u can drink straight out of the bottle,a cup, a glass anything u want coz U're at home and it's yours....lmao**Wink**
if you sneak ya Kool-Aid or Juice in the glass be sure to get it extra clean...don't leave in evidence...LOL
Boy you better look into your stemware. I say drink whatever you want out of those glasses, just don't let D catch you and beat you in the process Tina LOL. Let me stop, I didn't learn about the differences of the glasses until about 3 or 4 years ago so you're not totally alone .
LoL funny.
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