Do you ever have those days where you just want to say "
NO?" You just get tired of folks asking for stuff. Always whining and needing something. Well that's how I feel today. Especially since it's the 1st day of class this week. And this one chick is always in the need for something. Last week she needed a ride, the week b4 a few dollars, the week before a coffee. I'm like "
NO!!!!!!!!!!"..... I'm not made of money girl. She's starting to think I'm mean, but I don't care LoL. Yesterday I was not feeling well, and today I'm still not all that great, but a little better. So I'm still recovering today. So when I hit that classroom, she better
NOT ask me for jack, because my head my just spin around like the exorcist and go off! I'm cranky today so she better watch it. LOL. The word of the day is "
NO.".... and if someone gets on my nerves too bad I'm changing it to a "
Anyway, have a great day and make sure you watch America's next Top Model tonight. So who do you think is going home?????
saying NO is good...it amazes me how so many of us have a problem with that word
You won't be telling me no, little man!
thegayte-keeper: u know what I'm saying man. ;)
Acoustic Soul: Z ur right, you will be the one I say "HELL NO" to lmao.
LOL - he called you little man - you should slap him!
Darius T. Williams: I KNOW RIGHT!! hey know I'm short D.T.W., but he trying me today lol ;)
He has little man syndrome!
I really don't have a problem saying no...then again...i really don't say yes either...I give the "I'll try" response instead. Now if Im at work the word no flies outta my mouth more times than I can count lol.
jerzey_reality: LOL... I never do stuff for people @ work lol.
I stopped watching ANTM a long time ago so unfortunately, I don't know whose there [much less, whose getting sent home.] LOL
Couldn't agree with you more in that "sometimes, you just have to say NO"
As a matter of fact, that's one of my FAVORITE words!!!
Hope your day gets better!!! :-)
Ms. Behaving: Aww thanks ;)
and u don't watch America's Next Top Model???? LMAO ;)
I'm a big NO person. Hell no...heck no...damn no...fuck no...the point is I'm not gettin' rocked like that. LOL
Cocoa Rican: LMAO..... i hear that! i like those other ones Damn no f no lol.
Look i havent been in class 10 mins an already they askin for rides an sh*t! guess what I said????
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