My dad and little brother loves my car. Every time one of them goes out of town they always ask if we could trade cars for the weekend and so on. I drive a Dodge Charger. It's a pretty nice ride to have, and trust me I see why they enjoy it. So this weekend my dad and my brother goes out of town together to a funeral. So I switched cars with my little brother. I'm up in the house getting dressed, listening to my music and thinking about what I'm going to do on this rainy weekend after I move. OK, so I went out to start my brother's car and guess WHAT?...... If you guessed. IT WOULDN'T START!!!!!!..... Bells start ringing!!!! DING DING DING!!!! You are absolutely correct!!!! Now I have to figure out how I'm getting to work after I JUST sent off almost 500 hundred dollars for a good car that I work hard for to prevent this type of situation. HA!!!!!!! They will be bringing it back tonight they said. I guess after that phone conversation they really have no choice. LoL.... I love them dearly, but Deonte` needs his RIDE!!!! ;)
This should be a very interesting weekend!
Happy Friday & Enjoy Your Weekend? What do you have planned?
Maybe if I call Nelly he can come keep me company, or give me a RIDE to work LMAO!!!!
Does anyone remember this video & Song?????? LMAO
heyy there....
nice blog.
I know i would bw HOTTTT about the car situation. Sometimes we'll all better off being selfish. LAM0.
Paix, Asia Dee
THE 0NE THEY AiNT USED T0.: Thanks alot... And I know right....The next Time, I'm Sayin`, HELL-NO!!! LOL :)
YAY!!!!! I'm going 2 the movies tonight to see Spike Lee's new movie.. Miracle at St. Anna..... and I would've been REALLY REALLY upset.....they would've had to miss that funeral....have fun this weekend..& don't get in touch much trouble..
BTW....I loved that song, my cousin had a girlfriend that sounded just like the girl & I would get her 2 sing the parts every time she came over
You and Nelly both look scrumptious! lol
have a great weekend Deonte', things will get better! :)
[jei.lamar]: LMAO, ur my boi u know that lol ;)...thanks buddy!! :)
Sexxy Luv: Aww thanks babe girl... ur the best u know that right?? ;)
lol look at nelly's sexy ass ..DAMN!!! Anyhoo make sure you get your car back tonight boo..DOES THAT MEAN NO WORK TODAY??
contagiouslyCRANKY: I got to work babe girl.. thanks ;)
and yes they are on there way back now with my ride LOL. ;)
Never lose the lessons we have learned. I am certain your dad and your brother truly appreciate you lending them your car, but your brother deserves a reading!
Enjoy your weekend, nice blog.
wow@charger!....thats what i drive!
LOl - I'm late w/my comment - but I had a relatively busy weekend. playing cards, dinner, studying, cooking - you know...the ususal.
That pic of Nelly is what's up. I was like where has he been - hell, now I see.
Chet: LOL, well my dad is the one who put him up to it lol. So they both needed a reading as you called it LMAO!!!! ;)... thanks 4 your comment.
speaking hypothetically: LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL ;)
Stop that playing!!! ;)
we have way too much in common man LOL.
Darius T. Williams: No excuse 4 lateness DTW LMAO, But I will let it slide this time buddy LOL... yeah Nelly been chillin' with me LOL ;)
take a look at how my weekend went! i wonder whose went better...
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