As you all know Friday seems to be a holiday over here every week lol. But I can't help it. You hard all week and you just look forward to it, at least I do.
A few things.
I keep hearing that "Tyler Perry's The Family That Preys" was an great movie. Was supposed to have seen it last week, but my baby got sick so we rescheduled for this weekend. There are two things I keep hearing about this movie. The 1st one, Sanaa Lathan gave a excellent performance. And 2 Tyler Perry needs to really stop acting in his movies LoL. How true is this y'all? Oh should he just continue to just dress up and act???? But yeah I will be checking this out, and letting you all know what I think about it sometime next week.

Also. In theaters today, "Lakeview Terrace" starring Samuel L. Jackson & Kerry Washington. I may check this out if I get the time. But I'm very interested in seeing it. Considering how I feel about cops lately (coming up next week in a blog).

Saturday, I will be driving to VA to go see Mary J. Blige and Robin Thicke in concert, so I'm all excited about that. If you haven't seen Mary live, then you are so like missing out on a great live show. She puts her soul in it. This will be my 4th Mary Show.

Y'all probably won't believe this, but I will be doing all this while packing to move, going to class (yes I have class on Saturdays. I go to a Beauty School, not college LoL), and visiting my very super sexy special friend LoL... lets say I'm a very busy man. My boy Z always say "DAMN U ALWAYS DOING SOMETHING" Lmao. Well I can't help it. I like to have fun.
Anyway, y'all have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!
What do you have planned?
And does anyone remember this video LMAO!!!
Sir Mix a lot - Put 'em On The Glass
What are your thoughts on the photos?
Got something coming up next week for my girl, so y'all stay tuned!!!!!! ;)
Lmao at put em' on the glass. That video seems ancient lol Have a great weekend cuz ;)
Allan: Brandy is working it right? lol ;)
deejuana83: Right lol... can't wait til' we go see Janet! ;)
deejuana83: Oh and have a great weekend too cuz!!!! :)
I'll be checking out TP's new move as well this weekend i also really wanna see Samual Jackson's movie the previews are off the chain!
Have fun and drive safe going to see MJB, are you only going to listen to her music on the road?
Brandy looks fab in those pics! :)
happy friday!!!!!!
Sexxy Luv: yes I will be blasting mary to the heavens lol....
thanks babe girl, and the preview is off the hook lol..
brandy looks great don't she. :)
enjoy ur weekend!!!!! ((hugs))
the family that preys was a good movie, I want to to see lakeveiw terrace this weekend and I'm feeling the new brandy photos except one.
The photos are hot! enjoy the concert.
Me? I have a busy weekend too. In my mind it's already Monday.
First time coming the spot! I saw Tyler Perry's new movie and rate it a 3.5 out of 5 but let me know what you think. Never been to a Mary concert...I'm jealous, but have fun!!!!!!
Man I love your blog. I will be back and thanks for visiting mine!
Enjoy your weekend.
What I ENJOYED Most, regarding Tyler's film, was the FACT that we get to see Sanaa Lathan play OPPOSITE her Type-Cast role. Her performance is very DARING for the personality and aura that we are use to her exuding on screen. I HATE how LAZY Tyler's writing gets towards the END of the film, as everything is rushed and brought to an OPEN-ENDED point of circumstance. I LOVED Robyn Givens in the film, and ALL HAIL the Living Legacies of Kathy Bates and the Incomprable, Alfre Woodard!
Damn! You talking about too many things in this post. Geez! U know I gotta comment on EVERYTHING you said.
Yes, Tyler Perry needs to stick to wearing wigs and dresses, because once that costume comes off, there goes his acting ability.
I wanted to go see Lakeview Terrace, but didn't get around to it. Did you make it? Sammy looks like he's putting it down in this film.
I don't think MJB has been to my part of the West Coast. If she has then I missed it. I hear she does a great show. Nothing like Janet tho!
Put 'em on the glass??? I have never in life heard this song before. I guess cause I stayed in church when I was younger.
You know I'm not much of a Brandy fan, but I'll comment on the pictures anyway . . . . . .I like the first one. The second one is horrible. I don't like her facial expression AT ALL. The 3rd one is cool cuz it's somewhat of a profile shot. U can't see how far apart her eyes are. Finally the last one, in the words of Destiny's Child No, no, no!,
THARULA: Which one, we can fix it lol.
speaking hypothetically: yes put em on the glass was hard to not remember right. LoL
Darius T. WilliamsL: Aww.. well now that monday has came and gone how does it feel??? lol ;)
Ms. Jones: Welcome babe girl ;).. and check out my Mary post. I took pics. So u can feel like you were right there with me lol ;)
D-Place: ur welcome man, and thank u! :)
Xem VanAdams-Lumumba: yes I keep hearing that Ribin did a great job too!!!!
Acoustic Soul: Comes out your computer screen while ur @ work. You back away from your desk, stunned that your witnessing this act, as I pull out a gun and shoot everyone around us, back smacks you up on the desk, swing around your cubical, and kicks you straight threw your computer to my side of the world.... too be continued..... LMAO...
how dare you talk about my wife AGAIN like that!!!! and as far a church. I stayed in there too, but right after we sang "jesus loves me" in church, I went home and put on "put them on the glass" LMAO lol. I'm joking jesus, i did no such a thing... I'm a good boy.. ;)
You require anger management!
acoustic soul: your crazy lol lol.
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