....... is what I've been hearing from a select few people I know lately lmao. Now its not that Deonte` is being mean. Deonte` just has a low tolerance level for people that talk a lot of BS. After a while you just get tired of the same ol same ol lame draining, stuff with people. I'm just not one of those people who will sit there, and just agree with all your mess or waste my time even indulging in a conversation about something with you that utterly makes no sense to me. I just can't bite my tongue to make others feel comfortable. Either you want me to be real with you, or keep it moving & just find someone else to listen to the BS you spit. Life is too short. Some people really need to pull their heads out their a**es for a min, and get a serious reality check!
boi....continue to talk yo shit!...I was at a point wondering if I was being too mean when a lot of people starting telling me the same thing, & I tried being nice......but it made me feel sick 2 the stomach...so, I think of it like this.....I'm telling you up front what others say behind your back be happy with it & get over it...If I "hurt your feelings" put yo feelings in yo pocket when you come to me or just simply move along!....
lol I think you posted the right picture for this blog. lol that shirt say "WARNING" cause you layin into some ass. lol The thing i've noticed is this. People only call you mean when your not acting the way they would like you to or not doing something they want you to do. so to that i say fuck it. Be mean and do you.
slimm215: Lmao about the "WARNING" shirt. It's funny u say that because I took this picture while waiting for u to get in the car at ur job lol... and when I notice my shirt said that after I took the pic, I was like YEAH!!! this the pic for that blog right here lmao ;)
boi....continue to talk yo shit!...I was at a point wondering if I was being too mean when a lot of people starting telling me the same thing, & I tried being nice......but it made me feel sick 2 the stomach...so, I think of it like this.....I'm telling you up front what others say behind your back be happy with it & get over it...If I "hurt your feelings" put yo feelings in yo pocket when you come to me or just simply move along!....
lol I think you posted the right picture for this blog. lol that shirt say "WARNING" cause you layin into some ass. lol The thing i've noticed is this. People only call you mean when your not acting the way they would like you to or not doing something they want you to do. so to that i say fuck it. Be mean and do you.
[jei.lamar]: u feel me J lmao ;)
slimm215: Lmao about the "WARNING" shirt. It's funny u say that because I took this picture while waiting for u to get in the car at ur job lol... and when I notice my shirt said that after I took the pic, I was like YEAH!!! this the pic for that blog right here lmao ;)
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