This pass weekend I had the pleasure of seeing my best friend cousin & long time friend get married to her boyfriend of 7 years. It was so beautiful. They are truly what the definition of love stands for to me. I totally enjoyed myself, and it was a great event to attend. She looked beautiful, and her boyfriend (now husband) looked sharp as a tack lol. During the wedding, and reception I felt like I was with my own family. Which is why I call them my second family. We laughed, ate (well I tried considering my mouth surgery and all lol), they danced lol... (was busy taking pictures and meds lol), and just had a ball. Check out some of the photos below, and once again congratulations Danielle & Rogelio. I know y'all are enjoying that honeymoon lol. ;)
Ms. Clarrissa (Grandma) & Sean Brawley & Sean
Siblings: Brawley, Nita & Sean
(you can tell they are related)
Sean & (His Mother) Ms. Deborah
Me: Deonte` (yes it was hot out lol)
Sean, Me, & Ms. Deborah
Deonte` & Sean
The Bride & Groom: Danielle & Rogelio
The Happy couple once again!
Ms. Deborah, Josh, & Troy
The Best Man: Chad, & Matron of Honor: Dominique
plus A Flower Girl lol
Sean & 2 of the Bridesmaids
Somebody got caught kissing lol
Ms. Deborah and her boys ;)
(see me trying to crack that smile with my sore mouth lol)
Everyone doing the Electric Slide
Ms Deborah & other family members
i loove weddings...i love em so much i crash em sometimes, but shhhhhhhh keep this on the blog!
Nice pictures punk. look like you guys had a balll. I notice on that last picture your in you got that SLIMM eye going on. lmao.
When do you plan on making yo way down the isle?
I liked the pictures. Looks like everyone was having a good time. Did you get any cake? Was it soft enough for you to eat?
Why are we still doing the Electric Slide??
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