I totally enjoy this movie. Christina Aguilera was really good considering this was her 1st actual movie. She sang her butt off in this movie. I felt like I was at a concert in the theater. I love her voice. She has to be one of the best singers in the world right now. I loved her in this movie.
Cher, what's not to like about her lol. She was great too. I like her for some reason. She also looked great. And still can blow as well.
If you love great music, and want to see some sexy dances this is your movie.
I was actually surprised by how well X-tina did as far as acting went. If she hired an acting coach then kudos to her b/c it payed off. Now, if only Beyonce' would take note....
ok i was dragged to see this kicking and screaming but i too enjoyed this flick and was surprised.
I did enjoy this more than i anticipated, i am proud of X-tina
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