Sometimes You Lose Yourself..................
......... A year ago I would have never thought I'd would be without my ex or make it in this world without him. It's been almost 6 months now, and I think it's safe to say I'm finally getting back to myself. Alot of people don't understand this, but when you break up with someone after 2 years, it's a hard thing to bounce back from. I felt like a zombie for a while. I didn't want to be bothered. When I did hang out with someone it was cool, but that never went well, because everyone wanted what I didn't at that point. So I cut the world off, and stayed to myself. I never let people see me crack, but inside I was broken. Torn to pieces. I had stopped doing the things I used to love to do. I Stop going to the gym. Stop blogging. Almost wanted to stop photography for a while. I just wasn't me. I didn't feel like me. So I took some time to get myself together, and I think I've found me again. Starting today, I will continue to do better by myself, for myself! I will surround myself around positive folks, and REAL friends. It's safe for me to say I'm over this situation now. In life we win some & lose some. One day, someday, someone will win my heart again, but until then, there is no rush. "Sometimes you lose yourself" while going through rough times, but a b**** is BACK... to doing me... like I used too!
I always told myself, "Sometimes we have to lose ourselves in order to find ourselves and what we want." I'm glad you've reached that pinnacle in your life. Keep movin' forward!
<> Yeah for Deonte!
I always knew that you'd come out on the other side ok, Deonte. Count your blessings, D. Do you know how many people would love to be in a relationship for 2 days, much less 2 years? Remember when you didn't think it will happen for you? Well, it did and guess what? For you, I'm sure it will happen again. Take the things you learned from the experience and get things right with you so that you'll be in tip top form to be swept off your feet when it happens again.
Your friend
I'm glad you are getting back to you or the new you. Definitely years with someone is difficult to overcome or bounce back from once the relationship ends. Honestly you come out better and stronger buddy.
I'm really happy that you're getting back to yourself buddy! i have this friend, and a relationship she for 3 years just ended, can you tell me the things that helped u out to get to the point where u got urself back together?
Thanks guys, I truly appreciate your comments! ;)
The_M_C_Fan: Hey buddy. You know, everyone deals with things very differently. If I can provide any type of advice, that would be, just take time to yourself and heal. Surround yourself with positive people. People you know love u unconditionally. Take some me time. Cry, go to the movies alone. Find somethings that will keep u busy, and try not to focus on the pain, but look at what blessings that may have come out the situation. :) Also pray.... never forget that part! ;)
hope this helps your friend.
thank you buddy for the great advice, and again, I'm glad that your back to yourself!
The_M_C_Fan: Your welcome buddy, and thank you!!! hugs!!! ;)
We all been there @ one point or another...glad that you are seeing the light again...
You know what Ive known you for awhile and I can honestly say that you are speaking from a place of truth with this blog. I am so glad that you are getting back to who you want to be..MUAH
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