........ and sitting on the toilet in front of my man is one! LOL..... I just can't. I know a lot of people who say they do this all the time, but not I!!!! Oh hell to the naw lol.... and I don't want to smell your sh*ty a** dropping turds while I'm up in the bathroom talking to you either. I WOULD DIE!!!! LOL....
How do you guys feel about this? Are you fine with being in the bathroom while your partner is on the toilet, or him being in there while you are taking care of your business?
There are many things I am willing to share with my partner, but there also some things that should remain private. THIS is No. 1 on the latter list, fo' sho! LOL
Me and my hubby do it all the time. Like if he's sitting on the toilet taking a shit then I will most likely be brushing my teeth. Or showering. Except when I have diarrhea or something...we both run from each other.
I used to date this guy (for 3 years), and he would call me into the bathroom while he took a dump just to talk. At first I was REALLY turned off by it, but as time went by, it was "whatever" unless it was stankin' then I'd run for dear life.
I personally need to be alone to do this. I don't need or want no company! LOL
I agree. This is one thing I don't do in the company of the person I'm dating. In fact, I run water to ensure that the "activity" isn't heard either. Ironically, there was this one person I dated who got kicks out of being involved in the process and insisted that he be in the restroom whenever I had to do my business. It was a deal breaker. Also, the idea of having someone taking a dump in the same room while I'm brushing my teeth makes me gag a little...lol. Michael
lmao....i would never!
There are many things I am willing to share with my partner, but there also some things that should remain private. THIS is No. 1 on the latter list, fo' sho! LOL
speaking hypothetically: LMAO LOL...right!!!!
DiAcorea: I totally agree!!! LOL....
Me and my hubby do it all the time. Like if he's sitting on the toilet taking a shit then I will most likely be brushing my teeth. Or showering. Except when I have diarrhea or something...we both run from each other.
T.S.P: More power to u lol lol.
This has gots to be the the most random shit...
Unless you're married to Bobby Brown (if you saw his reality show with Whitney, you know what I mean), that's just disgusting.
AJ: I can't take it! LOL
I used to date this guy (for 3 years), and he would call me into the bathroom while he took a dump just to talk. At first I was REALLY turned off by it, but as time went by, it was "whatever" unless it was stankin' then I'd run for dear life.
I personally need to be alone to do this. I don't need or want no company! LOL
I agree. This is one thing I don't do in the company of the person I'm dating. In fact, I run water to ensure that the "activity" isn't heard either. Ironically, there was this one person I dated who got kicks out of being involved in the process and insisted that he be in the restroom whenever I had to do my business. It was a deal breaker. Also, the idea of having someone taking a dump in the same room while I'm brushing my teeth makes me gag a little...lol.
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