Nude Beaches & Stuff
The other day I was having a conversation with someone about people, and their love for Nude Beaches, and nude events. I was explaining to them, how I really don't get it! We were talking about how people go to places where they can sit around naked all day long without a care in the world. I just can't imagine sitting at a table with my d*ck & balls out in a chair eating pancakes! I just don't see it! LOL.... I don't want no ones titties hanging over my eggs, and stuff either. What kills me the most is, the people with the most outrageous shapes, will be the 1st out there with their sh*t off lol... Hell I don't even like to sleep naked, let alone be on some beach with all my stuff spread across the sea LOL....... I want to know if any of you guys ever been to any nude events, or beaches? And would you ever consider going?
I ♥ LOVE ♥ being nekkid & i enjoy streaking . . . i'd prolli have fun @ a nude beach but i wouldnt get in the water & i wouldnt go 2 a nude retreat, but thats just me lol :)
I concur with @Willy.Wonka.
I have been to a nude beach. I don't do swimming but the venues themselves are fine and I'd be open to go again. Not into being around food or having people cook for me nude but otherwise I'm okay with it..
no i will not be showing the treats to the masses
Ew. No. Hell no. Hell to the no.
I don't mind being naked in my bed, bathroom or my house but beaches and retreats? Hell no. That's just nasty. I mean, sitting my bare ass naked behind where somebody else sat their bare ass naked behind before? And they probably been letting go of the gases...*shudders* And I damn sure ain't getting in that water or eating no food.
LMAO..@the titties hanging over your eggs!! No ive never really gotten into the whole nude events scene either. I do enjoy sleeping nyde though...
Don't knock it till you try it. El o El @ "d*ck & balls out in a chair eating pancakes!" WoW De!
Go to a clothing optional beach. See how you feel..cuz there won't be anything to look at and the folks won't be looking at you either. You might just come out of your clothes.
there is nothing wrong with titties hanging over eggs!....I might serve that to my man one morning, LMAO!
You are so damn silly! The nude beach isn't bad. I've only been to one once, and they aren't at all how you imagine it to be.
You should go once just for the experience.
I've never gone but I honestly would LOVE to go. It has to be interesting.
I want to piggy back on what Acoustic Soul said. It’s not so bad at all. And most experienced nudists usually carry a towel or other personal cloth with them, or have one nearby, so they never have to sit directly on an undesirable spot behind someone else. It’s actually quite a liberating experience.
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