Monday, February 22, 2010

Your Going To Hell

I've been told so many times by people in my family that I'm going to hell (because of who I Am) that I've become immune to it!

My response: I will meet them all down there!!!!


Acoustic Soul said...

Next time say "I'll save you a seat next to me"

Unknown said...

Funny how folks should realize that if that doesn't make you do what they feel you should do with your life that there is actually something to this gay thing...

speaking hypothetically said...

boi if i had a dollar for everytime a family member told me that.

AJ said...

So are they, just for judging.

People take this Bible stuff, a book written by man, to the extreme. If that's the case, they tend to overlook their own "sins".

Those that commit adultery, steal, have pre-martial sex, lie and cheat, eat pork or shellfish, have children with a step-parent, brother/sister in law,3rd 4th or 5th cousin, commit incest, lust and etc. are going to hell as well.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Besides, you probably have a better chance of entering the Kingdom than they do. Just something to think about.

Dre said...

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone (AJ) you answered best

Anonymous said...

Such a horrible thing to hear...I will hear it one day..but it won't affect me one bit

Eduardo Guize said...

I don't know what has happened between you and your family but you need to ask yourself: do they really love you? Are they using that as an easy throwing weapon when there's actually something else? Do you want to move on and ignore them?

Denisha said...
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JACK said...

Christians who rank sin make me laugh. I'm pretty sure sin is sin is sin is sin - whatever.

Jeff0418 said...

Let them know People who live in glass houses....*smh*

Unknown said...

Shank this dont have anything to do with u, but these people on here need to realize nisha u to sents everybody wants to say something. The family is upset becuz we had to find this out over the computer, shank u my brother and i love u regardless of what u are but please tell the truth to these people u never came came home and told nobody u were gay, so everything is coming out of anger becuz we had to find out this way thats all dont take it so personnal damn

AJ said...

^^mrskeller...I'm sorry but I can't just let that comment slide.
"Out of anger"? All because of a certain they are finding out? Seriously, girl? That doesn't justify ANYONE telling ANYBODY that they're "going to hell". There's no justification for judging another person because of who they are or the way they live. I can understand there being shock and, sadly, maybe disappointment (I mean, seriously, it's 2010) but that doesn't give people the right to go around saying what sin leads you where, especially when they have their own sins to worry about. Telling him NOT to take it personal is the most ridiculous statement made. It's his life and it's who he is. So when somebody gets in his face and tells him that he's going to hell because he's gay, it becomes personal. His emotions become involved because of that PERSONAL opinion. How would you feel if someone came up to you to your face and say to you that because you're having pre-marital sex or lusting over somebody, you're going to hell?

The fact that you're related to D and couldn't contact him personally to speak to him instead of creating an account, stalking his blog and making this ridiculous comment actually saddens me. Like I said before, and maybe you should relay this to all those that are judging and telling him "out of anger" where he's going to end up, LET HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE. I have no doubt that their houses are made of glass.

Anonymous said...

First off --

WORD AJ! I'm riding with you.

Secondly. Deonte. Babe. Our God loves you for who you are, and what he made you. Your family will will have to face him one day, in regards to all their sins, and ever their sins against you. Believe that.

I'm sorry I haven't commented in a while, but I've been keeping up with you--I know you know this.

I just had to comment on this, cause you deserve nothing but love and respect... the same love and respect you give to everyone else. Continue to have faith, count your blessing, and live in honor of your King.

Unknown said...

@AJ...This is a real women on here now.. not somebody that wants to be who I am. Deonte is my brother in law and when I married into the family I took in as that regardless of race,sex,height,attitude,straight,gay,blue,orange it doesn't matter he is and forever will be my brother in law as long as I wear this ring on my finger, but you.. don't you ever part your lips to speak my name MrsKeller out your mouth again. I stayed out of this blog shit because I really could care less who Shank decides to be with in his life that's his husband was writing to HIS BROTHER in that comment it say in there my brother incase you didn't see that part because you was to focused on trying to finish so you could respond. You can reply however you want in Deonte's blog's that he decides to write and share with everyone but you WILL NOT disrespect myself my husband or my family on here.

deonte' k said...

AJ: Thanks for your comment buddy. I appreciate your comment, and I agree with most, if all of what u said.

DeShelle: There is alot I could say, but you know what I'm tired. I'm tired of you all coming over here with these comments I really Am. No disrespect. I know U love me as well as I love you. But this is my domain. These people that comment over her support me, and my views. I am a blogger. It's not a thing where it's family vs. these people. Because I've blogged for years. And what I like to know is where was the family comments, when I do my photography?? Where are the comments when I do something positive over here. So please stop with all the shock, surprised, and stun act! I feel like the people in this family that knew, are the ones who allowed themselves to be close to me, and in my life. The only person I felt I should have told was my momma. She is the only person. But she hates it so why waist my time. It took alot for me to accept who I was. Now I love who I am, and happy with that! I talk about whatever I like, want, or feel here! Nothing I've ever said was a lie. You guys need to get with the program and just deal with it! I will not be logging onto my blog page and keep reading these long crazy comments. Next time I see u here, I hope its to support a blog entry that has nothing to do with my sexuality. And like said I love u too, but enough is enough!

P.S. Not all gay men, wants to be a woman. Having a pussy don't make a woman a REAL woman, nor does having a dick, make a man a REAL man. Just something I thought u should know.


If you guys feel some sorta way... pick up the phone and call me... stop with this! But I think I'm at the point to where it's nothing else to really discuss. Love me or hate me, either way I'm going to be me. hugs!!!

deonte' k said...

DeShelle: I also wanted to add, let's not act as if you guys haven't been calling me fagot, queer, or gay over the years anyway... so It shouldn't hurt u guys that much.

speaking hypothetically said...

WOW!!! @ all this messyness

AJ said...

First, if you thought that I was "trying to be a woman", you're mistaken. I am not nor do I have the desire to even think of trying to be a woman. If that isn't what you're implying, my mistake.
Secondly, I addressed that post in regards to the screen name. Whether his brother or whomever made the comment, that is the SN used. So don't take it as me directly addressing YOUR name, especially as I never called you out of your name.
Thirdly, what do you feel was disrespectful in what I said? Maybe you should re-read my post and try to comprehend the points I was trying to make. Regardless of who made the initial comment, I still stand by everything I stated. No disrespect. There's something wrong with people, especially so-called Christians, ranking sin and going around telling people they're going to hell and there's no justification for making their own judgments. That's the reason I spoke up. That and the fact that Deonte is my friend and I support him and will always have his back, which, from the looks of it, seems his own family refuses to do. D's brother should have reached out to him via phone or in person. Simple as that.

Denisha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

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