Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Music: Alja Jackson - Drank In Da Cup

I been rocking to this song all day long.... I'm definitely feeling this one. Thank you Zion for turning me onto this chick! ....OK off to get my dance on!


speaking hypothetically said...

yesssss! i diggz this!

deonte' k said...

speaking hypothetically: I knew "U" Would! ;)

Kyon Saucier said...

I will definately be sharing this song with folkz.

deonte' k said...

Zion: SHUT UP!!! U just sent the link this weekend hell lol. ;)

Jeff0418 said...

I can see you dancing to this Deonte' its a hot lil track....

Anonymous said...

Yup. Zion put me on her as well and I have her mixtape on my ipod. I work out to it

deonte' k said...

It is hot guys!!!!! thanks for the comments! :)

Anonymous said...


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