Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mcdonalds Sweet Chili Sauce Commercial

This commercial is soo irritating to me lol... I can't stand all this singing about some damn chili sauce! Especially when the guy starts to sing.. It sends me to the roof lol...


AJ said...

I couldn't take the first part. I definitely can't take this. I think I should be offended.

Bombchell said...

I AGREE!!! i dont get why some people like it, or find it funny, I find it annoying.

Eduardo Guize said...

I don't like singing commercials in general...

Denisha said...
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speaking hypothetically said...

ugh i'd almost rather watch walk the plank video than this commercial.

Acoustic Soul said...

McDonalds is doing what churches should be doing which is trying to reach the masses.

This commercial is SOOOO corny, but they must work because they've been commercials like this for quite a while.

I kind of chuckle every time it comes on because it's so stereotypical.

Kyon Saucier said...

I think it's hilarious!

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